About "Score review" and "Score appeal" services

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  • #635280

    Seems like those are incredibly easy ways to send NASBA a whole lot more money than you need to in order to finish the exams.

    From the Score Review:

    “That historically there is a less than 1% chance a score will change as a result of a score review.”

    From the Score Appeal:

    “That historically a score has never been changed as a result of a Score Appeal.”

    In other words… your score is your score, so it's better to just admit to yourself that you failed and you need retake the section(s) you didn't pass. In the six to eight weeks you'll be waiting to get a big fat “NO” back from either of these services, you could instead put in a lot of study time for retaking the exam.


    @BelowScope “less than 1%” is probably a fancy way of saying “0%”

    Passed - 2014

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