2018 Q2 AICPA to delay score releases AGAIN

  • Creator
  • #1684022
    Elisa Galey

    April 1 – June 10 (Q2)
    If you take your Exam on/before: Target score release date is:
    April 1 – June 10 AUD, FAR, REG: June 27 and BEC: June 29

    July 1 – September 10 (Q3)
    If you take your Exam on/before: Target score release date is:
    July 1 – September 10 September 19

    October 1 – December 10 (Q4)
    If you take your Exam on/before: Target score release date is:
    October 1 – December 10 December 19

    As someone who has to fly internationally for each exam, these score holds are really affecting my planning and ability to get these exams done in 18 months. I know this is having a negative impact on people living in the States as well. Is there a way to contact the AICPA or to start a petition for them to be more reasonable with the extensions? Two years in a row now of delays, give us a break!

    AUD: 82
    BEC: 76
    FAR: 61
    REG: 01.04.2018

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  • Author
  • #1684028

    Pointless to contact the AICPA. Do you know what they are going to say? Suck it up, same thing they said to the suckers like me who waited 3 months for 1 score release. You'll have better luck dealing with the state boards because they are the ones who deals with the extensions.


    Yeah I'm really annoyed by this. My schedule has been to take 1 exam every 3 months and it happens to be at the beginning of the test window every time. So I had to wait 2 months for my FAR score, I'll take BEC in Jan 2018 and get my score back in 3 weeks thankfully, then my last 2 exams will both be 2 month waits again. This will also delay my license assuming I pass them all.

    But there really isn't anything to be done about it. It's just annoying and have to deal with it.


    Couldn’t agree more! Lost credit on one – I’m afraid I’ll lose another credit.

    Not only is it the waiting which is AWFUL – but if you have to retest it’s another study. Before you got your results in 2 weeks so you could usually take it in the same window a few weeks later. Just a review of SIMS and MCQ. With a 2-4 month delay (last year) that adds weeks to studying. Plus the closed testing windows?! I took it the first day of testing in April. Got my results at the end of August. September is closed. October my other test expired so I had ONE shot to do it. Such BS!!!!!!

    FAR: 65 (still drying my tears) 2nd attempt: 7/2016
    BEC: 81 5/2016 (WOO FIRST PASS!)
    REG: 5/2016
    AUD: 8/2016

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