WI scores update - Page 6

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  • #157020

    Just thought I’d start the update for when anyone sees any WI scores show up…

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  • #233218

    good question. I haven't been anxious till now. I had initially registered with that lady for the 2 parts then thought of all the money i would have lost if I needed BEC also, so I called back. I got the same lady and explained and asked about cancelling in case I needed to register for 3 parts. She paused a long minute before she said she would check about cancelling. I can read a lot into that. Was it a waste of her time to cancel and she was dying to tell me that? I wish I knew!!!

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    Any chance wisconsin will see scores by the end of the week?


    it would be nice. i would think if not this week, next week? but last time they didn't come out until April 1.

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    My best guess would be next week. One of the students in my class is a CA candidate and she took AUD the day after I did and has her score already. Must be nice to live in a score-friendly state.

    I can't decide if I should check my score online when they are finally available or wait until I receive the paper one. 🙁


    I am guessing next week too because it is the end of the testing window and they don't leave grades up for the previous window. I want to know so I can get my NTS for the last 2 (or3?) tests. I want to get my next test (FAR) scheduled. I study better when I have a deadline. What score are you waiting for? How many have you taken/are left? What program are you using to study? I use Kaplan and really like it.

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    I'm waiting for BEC and this is my first exam. I'm using Becker and find it pretty good but we'll see after this score.

    BEC - 80
    REG - 74
    FAR - 72
    AUD - Waiting


    I started with REG. I'm glad I did because it is what I know and passing gave me confidence. I too am waiting for BEC score. Not so sure about that one. I am studying for FAR now. What is your next test? When are you taking it?

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    I've got REG next on July 26th. It's much harder to study though over the summer especially when it's light out so late.


    I'm going on vacation Friday – Wednesday and am hoping WI scores will be up by next week when I get back. I'm brining my FAR materials but am going to stay away from the internet. I'm waiting on BEC and AUD and really hope they are up next week so I know if FAR on 7/10 could be my last exam, EVER.

    WI CPA

    does anyone have any idea when we will get our scores?


    No one knows.


    @jhienz – I agree about studying. I'm studying for FAR now and I really have to be strict with studying. I will be glad to get the scores though. It is starting to drive me nuts!

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    has anyone from wisconsin tried the ohio loophole and been able to re-register?


    I have tried it but it doesn't work for me. I am not even in the system. When my friend does it and puts in her ss# her name populates and the loophole seems to work for her.

    Has anyone been able to use the reregister function for WI? It always tells me it is unable to locate my profile so I have to call the 800 number to register for the last 2 tests I need. I haven't talked to anyone who has been able to do it on the internet.

    REG,BEC,FAR - PASS, AUD 70, retake 4/26/11 85

    If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.


    you have to re-register under Ohio otherwise it doesn't work

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