WI scores update

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  • #157020

    Just thought I’d start the update for when anyone sees any WI scores show up…

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  • #233143

    From what I understand, Wisconsin waits until all scores for all sections are posted, right? So if FAR has been released, we should have our scores soon. Does anyone have a more complete understanding of the Wisconsin process?


    You are right. WI does not release any scores until all four sections have been released. Just heard from someone who talked to Geneva at NASBA, the WI rep, and supposedly they aren't releasing any scores until the first week of January… one would hope that is incorrect because that is ridiculous if we have to wait that long…


    Yikes. It looks like I need to try to just put it out of my head until after the holidays. It sure would be nice to know whether I should be using this time to study for the re-test, though.

    It's one thing to have technical problems in getting the scores posted, but it's reprehensible to just sit on them once they've been released.


    I completely agree. I am waiting on my last two exam scores and could be using this time to study before busy season if I didnt pass… It'd be nice to know why WI waits to release scores all at once and why we have to be the last ones to receive our scores…


    In my opinion, it can only be laziness that keeps WI from releasing with everyone else. It must take time to upload the scores four different times and the employees would rather surf the internet and just do it once. I feel that not only should those of us studying for the exam be upset here in WI, but so should the rest or WI residents. For some of us this score could be our last one, and many CPA firms around the state pay out a bonus. Some of these can exceed $5,000. I know quite a few people just out of college who plan to make some pretty significant purchases once they receive that bonus. It may not be a ton of money but in a down year and in a slow economy, a couple $5,000 bonus being spent around the state definitely wouldn't hurt.


    How pathetic is it that WI needs our own forum to discuss when we get our score. Everyone else will be done studying before we got ours. Maybe Geneva should consider doing something positive for her career, ie making this process more efficient rather than wasting her time holding all our careers back!


    Has anyone else heard the scores aren't being released until Jan?


    I guess I don't totally follow how WI works. I received my BEC score earlier this month. If it's true that WI waits until all scores are in, does that mean we may receive the scores via regular mail before they're even posted online? I took my exam the first week in October…


    January??! Really?! It's been 11 weeks since I took FAR. If scores aren't released until the first week of January it will have been 13 weeks. Does anyone else find that completely ridiculous?!


    No they do it separate for wave 1 and 2. For example, now with wave 2 we should be getting ours in theory because BEC, AUD, REG, and now FAR have all been released to NASBA. Now they should make all four sections of Wave 2 available at the same time.


    Something has to be done….


    I do. I'm hoping that the info above isn't correct…I understand there was probably a new simluation on the exam, but 13 weeks for it to be graded? Maybe they should consider re-thinking how the grading process works. It would certainly make it more difficult for those of us working 70+ hours per week from January through mid-April to get all tests in during the 18 month window if you don't pass the last one.


    WICPAMKE – If that's the case, then we should be able to check the REG/AUD/BEC forums to see whether the WI people are the only ones who haven't received their scores, correct?

    Also, why would it be January that we receive scores if all have been released now? You would think it would be either tonight, tomorrow, or early next week at the latest…no?


    No kidding… and the exam is computerized…could it possibly be that hard? I would like to know if I didn't pass so I can prepare to take it before busy season if I need to. The longest it has taken for any of my other scores is 10 weeks, so I'm like shocked that the scores are not out yet. Frustrating, to say the least.


    I agree I lose both aud and far scores in feb so it would be really helpful to know if I passed

    my last exam or not. I have never had to wait this long for any of

    my other scores.

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