Texas 150 Hour Requirement - Page 2

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  • #185154

    Hello, I was just reading the requirements on the TSBPA website (https://www.tsbpa.state.tx.us/exam-qualification/education-150-hours.html) and the last sentence states “NOTE: After obtaining a baccalaureate degree all additional coursework used to meet the 150-semester-hour requirement must be upper level.” Is this a more recent rule? Previously, I was under the impression that if you fulfill the upper level accounting and business courses, you could take anything to get to the 150. It seems like a lot of school websites out there do not point this out to students who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

    Unfortunately, I enrolled in two courses this Spring semester, which have now probably become worthless as they are not “upper level” and were not taken at one of the four TSBPA approved community colleges. Does anyone have any experience with trying to get to the 150 without going to grad school in Texas? Has anyone had any luck in obtaining leniency for fulfilling the 150? I will make sure to take upper level courses in the future but I’m feeling hopeless that I just wasted time taking two courses, even though I could argue that they helped me professionally (financial statement analysis and psychology of personality).

    Thank you for any input.

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  • #643090

    I just found out I did the same thing only I took 18 hrs in 1 semester and found out the first week at my new auditor job. I don't know what to do now. Should I tell them or slowly knock out the classes after busy season? That fine print really knocked the wind out of me.


    I took 30hrs of upper level accounting course at MVC. Like BStewie, you won't learn a lot but you will get the necessary credits. I took 30 hrs and it only cost $8k. Much cheaper than any other degree program. You have to apply for the program but you don't have to complete it once you get the necessary hours. They definitely check your prerequisites and will not admit you to the program if you don't have them. They have some online classes but there's definitely not enough offered to complete more than 9-12 hrs. I also took online classes from Lonestar that fulfilled the requirements.

    Misse2000 – The person you need to get in touch with over there is Karen Blue. She responds much faster than the department head. Good luck!


    OK. I have been reading this board for quite awhile and wanted to added my more information to it for those who are seriously seeking a Certified Public Accountant/Accountancy (CPA) in the state of Texas (TX), especially in Dallas at MVC. TSBPA educational requirements located here.

    150 Hours

    Four Eligible Texas Community Colleges:
    1. Austin Community College
    2. Houston Community College
    3. Lone Star College
    4. Mountain View Community College

    The Advanced Technical Certificate in Professional Accountancy, if you reside in Dallas, is the best route to go for pursuing a CPA. A master of science (MS) in Accounting/Accountancy seems good on paper but, however, employers do not care where you got your degree from as long as you have a CPA. Moreover, think in this light, how much money will you be saving between a graduate degree versus a certificate.

    The Advanced Technical Certificate in Professional Accountancy is currently (2018-2019) being ran by Craig Black. If you are are serious about joining the

      Advanced Technical Certificate in Professional Accountancy

    program be certain that you have a follow up plan afterward.

    Take care.

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