Scheduled REG for 1/12…In a Different State?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #191156

    I just registered for (hopefully) my final part of the CPA exam, but in the confirmation from Prometric, it showed my address as Kansas. While I do have great appreciation for Jeff and the Another71 program, I should be listed as a candidate in the state of Michigan. I have submitted a request to Prometric in regards to this matter, but I wanted to reach out to everyone else on here and see what their opinion is on this. Does this create any potential problems? Everything else with the confirmation was correct; time, testing location, etc.

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  • #637016

    I'm assuming this means that your address will not match your license, in which case that may be a problem. The NTS is where it will actually matter, though, so check it. Also double-check your prior exam confirmations – if they all showed Kansas as well, then you should be good to sit for REG.

    When you've passed them all, it'll take a bit of extra time to transfer your credits from one state to another, but that should be the worst that happens. Other possible issue would be that you might not have qualified to sit in MI even though you did in KS, for example of MI has a different set of educational requirements, so you might have to change something to qualify for MI; however, as long as you were using the right criteria when you were preparing to sit, then you should be good on that front.


    All other confirmations I've received have shown Michigan, this is the first time I've seen KA on one. My NTS shows the Michigan Board of Accountancy, and lists my actual full address in MI. I do meet the Michigan requirements to sit, as every other time I've sat has been Michigan.

    I just find it odd that Prometric shows the state listed under my name in the confirmation as Kansas. I suppose when scheduling my exam I may have selected the wrong state in the drop down box, but it seems unlikely.


    That definitely is odd. 😐 Maybe their database was just having an issue? Who knows.

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