Pennsylvania CPA Certificate

  • This topic has 10 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by jeff.
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  • #3105155

    Is Pennsylvania still awarding CPA certificates in 2020? I received my 8.5 x 5.5 occupational license over a month ago, but have not received a certificate.

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  • #3210095

    Ben, have you received your PA CPA certificate? I passed at the end of 2020, waiting on PA to review all my application information now. I was wondering if they sent you one. I know you can order one online for $10. Maybe they stopped just sending them?


    Are you referring to a wall certificate? I reached out to the State Board, and they no longer send a wall certificate. They only send that 5×7 license with your expiration date on it.


    Yeah I was referring to the wall certificate. Interesting, I wonder why they stopped sending them out. I see that you can purchase one for $10 by submitting a form.


    Another PA question for you, how long did it take them to review your application? Also, after the application showed as reviewed on BPOA, how long did it take before you got the official license?


    I guess they stopped doing it once they switched over to the PALS system, and the $10 fee is simply a duplicate of what they originally send you.

    I originally sent my application on 9/11, and everything was reviewed by 9/30. I had a hiccup on the experience form, not realizing the hours had to be in a full 12 months, and not like 11 months. By the time I got that taken care of, they were about 4 weeks behind. Assuming they're not behind, I'd say a few weeks sounds about right. Hope this helps!


    Ah I see, have you tried applying for one through the below link? It says you can get a wall certificate for $10 and the 5×7 is $5?

    That definitely does help! I applied on 12/2, they reviewed everything on 12/23 BUT my experience. I sent this in the mail on 12/2 when I applied but apparently they are like months behind on opening the mail. So I had to email it and restart my timeclock. This is the third week, I am hoping to have it within the next week or so.


    I didn't apply, I reached out to them asking about it, because there is a spot to order a duplicate certificate in PALS, but no option for a wall cert.

    From my experience, with the experience form, it took a week for them to receive it, and another week to actually review the form. The second time sending the experience form, it was emailed, and took 4-5 weeks for them to update the application after finding out they were 4 weeks behind. Be patient, it will come soon!

    Also, it took about a week to get the license in the mail; this was getting approved right before Thanksgiving.


    Try the NASBA store and see if you can order one from there. I got a decent frame and mats from JoAnneโ€™s online. Congrats ๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    For all the other fellow PA candidates, you can, in fact still get a wall cert.

    Login to PALS at

    Under Professional License Details hit the pencil to the left (under Change and to left of License number). From there select Verification/Certification. I didn't have to pay anything for it.

    It arrived today and I requested it about a week ago.



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