Part Time Work Experience in NY-Rejected

  • Creator
  • #2896581

    I work for a nonprofit organization. There was another non profit that had some grants that were being transferred to the one I work for. I was therefore getting paid from two organizations (even though it was one job) I wrote to the cpa board the following:

    “I have been working part time for the past two years under the supervision of a CPA. I worked for 2 related entities. Would I be able to combine all the hours worked for those two entities into one excel? Together they were over 20 hours a week which meets the part time requirement”

    They basically copied and pasted regulation 70.3 which just states that part time work need to be at least 20 hours per week… and then he added to make sure you keep a record of all hours worked.

    When I sent in my work experience verification, they rejected it saying that the 20 hours needs to be per job and that I cant combine them. I tried reaching out and they pretty much said too bad. Anyone have any advice??

    AUD-70, 71, 85
    BEC-63, 76

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  • Author
  • #2896752

    I am not sure you are going to have much luck fighting this unfortunately.
    It would have been helpful if they were a little more clear before you had sent your paperwork in.
    Was the work location the same? And all of the same staff? Basically a shared office space for both entities?


    Yes. Same director, same cfo. Same desk. And we explained this to them.

    AUD-70, 71, 85
    BEC-63, 76


    Hindsight is 20/20, would have been helpful if you were paid by only one entity, and the second entity just transferred the funds to cover their share of hours as if you were contract help hired away from entity 1 to entity 2.
    I don't really have any advice that can be helpful to you. The text of the law is pretty black and white. It would seem a no brainer to me to allow this, but I'm not a bureaucrat sitting in Albany waiting to mess with people's lives.
    Now that you've already submitted everything in writing there is little you can do to try and make your situation fit the mold, per se.
    Did you work more than 20 hours a week at ONE of the entity so that at least you can get some part time experience, and just keep plugging away at it?

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