Florida: OK, I passed. So where's my licensure packet? - Page 4

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  • #157045

    Seriously, is there going to be a long wait for this? Just got my letter from CPA Examination Services yesterday…..in all honesty, I was expecting something a little more than the same letter I received for passing the other 3 sections.


    How long do these “Boards” take to grudgingly recognize the fact that you passed the exam? This would be the FL BOA. Speaking of which, has anyone ever had a “good” experience dealing with this Board?”


    I’m fully expecting them to try to deny me licensure using any means necessary, including simple stalling, if need be. It was difficult enough initially getting them to approve me to take the exam….it took forever and a day, and then when they finally approved me, they didn’t bother to notify me.n


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  • #218402

    Guys I need a little Help
    nright now, i am sitting in Florida , (got Florida board approval)
    nI want to get certified in Colorado


    Can i save time and apply to Colorado now?
    nhow does that work ?
    nshould fill an a first time application ?


    Thanks so muchn


    Reg 93- BEC 81- AUD 88- FAR- 68 / 80 !!
    I am DONE !




    You're gonna want to go to https://www.nasbatools.com/display_page?id=68 and look at “Transfer of Grades Applicants.” Basically you want to click on the “Requirements” link and make sure you qualify and have taken the ethics exam. Also I'd just wait till you pass all of the exams (and get the experience requirement) to do this since you've already registered in Florida.n


    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    Thanks Buddy
    nthe problem is, Florida requires one year experience, Colorado, if u have a Master's, they waive the yr experience.


    So,Do u think it wont save time, if i did transfer now ?




    Reg 93- BEC 81- AUD 88- FAR- 68 / 80 !!
    I am DONE !


    I don't know if this applies to non-NASBA states, but I know that it at least applies to nasba states. If you go to the scoring website on nasba.org and click on “score mailing” it'll show you a message like this:

    The congratulatory letters will be mailed to candidates by the following dates:

    January/February testing window, May 15

    April/May testing window, August 15

    July/ August testing window, November 15

    October/November testing window, February 15

    That's probably what you're expecting so you'll have to wait until Feb 15th if you just passed last window

    Edit: I just checked FL to be sure, apparently this is another one of those “differs by state” things. It does still say that they'll mail a congradulatory letter, but it doesn't give any specific dates. Sorry

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    That's such a joke, that it takes them so long to mail a simple letter and application.


    yeah, no arguments here

    AUD 81 - BEC 89 - FAR 82 - REG 86


    Your best bet is to go to your state board's website…find the application for a certificate…send it in. Don't wait on them to send you the forms.



    I actually did try to do this. The thing is, Florida doesn't offer you *that* form on the website. For whatever reason (probably just to make it harder on you, as this Board seems to love doing), the “Initial Application” is not available. Any application or form is available, but not that one, they have to send it to you.


    I am also waiting for licensure package from Florida board. I called a few times and they said that NASBA did not release the scores to the board yet (I passed the 4th section on 10/29/09). They said I should get the congratulation letter and package some time in January. In the meantime I am looking for a public accounting job and not getting many responses right now, maybe people are just taking time off for the holidays.

    Hell Froze

    If you are from VA don't expect a packet or a letter congratulating you on passing. I recieved no such thing, when I called they said “Didn't you get a score sheet from NASBA”. Ouch!

    So once I realized there would be no parade, I went to the VA-BOA website and rummaged through the various links to gather all the forms I needed to get licensed. (ethics test, experience validation, fees)

    I think its a shame that the VA BOA doesn't send out a letter or packet, it would have been a nice gesture considering all the money and time I have spent to achieve my goal. But no matter the important thing is I DID IT!


    FL board representative stated that packets for October/November window should be received in January.


    If anyone from Florida recieved there packet please let us know. I sat in October also, my wife who got her last scores in at the end of Sept got her packet in the middle of Oct, mailed everything in and has been waiting every since, still nothing…..


    If you go to the website, you can find the deadline by which the board must receive something to put it on their next meeting's agenda. You can also find their meeting schedule. By figuring out those two, you can estimate at which meeting they will admit you to the profession. You should receive something from them a couple of weeks after the meeting at which they admitted you to the profession.


    The Florida board does batch processing and is usually pretty slow. January sounds about right to get a packet from this past window.

    nedwards: I passed my last section in AUG, got my results in Sept., received my packet in Oct. and my license in Nov. Your wife can check her status online through https://www.myfloridalicense.com/viewapps.asp?SID=

    One reason why FL is bogged down is they changed the rules mid 2008, therefore if you applied to sit for the exam before then you are under different requirements for license than if you applied to sit after.


    I was told from the Tennessee BOA that passing scores in the 1st wave for TN (NASBA state) would be sent to state BOAs this Friday. Not sure if this will be the same for other NASBA states. Some states also allow you to check up on your registration online.

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