Yes, I'm including Kricket's response as a disclaimer.
My own prior experience and quick research: You're testing in NY and looking to initially license in NY. Another CPA from another state can fill out the NY experience section of Form 4B for you (instructions below). Connecticut seems to have a 2-tiered certificate and license system, so I'd get a licensed (and not a certificate) holder CT CPA to fill it out. In Form 4B question 1, there doesn't seem to be additional information requests of the signer beyond license # (NY or elsewhere), name, title, position, etc.
You can probably get an initial license in NY, and then by endorsement in CT. The CT paperwork for endorsement doesn't seem very clear from its website.
What is acceptable experience? An applicant must present evidence, satisfactory to the State Board for Public Accountancy, of full-time experience providing accounting services or advice involving the use of accounting, attest, compilation, management advisory, financial advisory, tax or consulting skills under the supervision of a certified public accountant licensed in one of the U.S. jurisdictions or a public accountant licensed in New York State. Acceptable experience may be earned in a public accounting firm, government, private industry or an educational institution.