Need 3 more semester hours for accounting in NY

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  • #159072

    Hi all,

    This is my first time posting here. I graduated 2 years ago and am almost finally complete with my CPA exams.However, I need to take 3 more semester hours of accounting course (1 class). Problem is, I can’t take a course in an undergraduate program and I don’t want to apply to grad school just to take this one accounting course that I need. Does anyone know what I can do about this? Anyone had this experience?

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  • #258196

    check the below link:

    Online classes via Devry Univ. (they may also be a physical campus in NY)

    Check first to make sure NY accept the credit hrs.

    Good luck


    I was in the same boat as you, I live in NY as well. I used University of Phoenix. The course was about $1500, which was 2 years ago. Classes start typically every week or so, so you can get in quick and they only last 5 weeks, so you'll be done in under 2 months and on your way. You might even qualify for a discount.


    After taking these online course would I have to transfer them to the school I graduated from or do I just send it in to NASBA?


    Nope, just send the separate transcript to NASBA and you're good to go. I had transcripts from 5 different schools. That's a story for another day. Also, make sure it's a graduate level class you need, you may be able to get by with an upper level under-grad class.

    Bob Moritz, CPA

    you can also take grad classes at a university as a non degree seeking student and it'll avoid having to go through the entire app process (no essays, gmat, ect)

    Good Luck to you



    I'm in the same boat but was told I can take any course, as long as i never took the same type of course before -why do you guys think you need a graduate course?


    Exact convo was this:

    Me: Thank you, for your fast response time.

    I was not aware I was missing a credit – that is very disheartening, as I was sure I went over this with my school.

    Am I able to take any accounting course to fulfill this, such as an online course? Is there any other specific way to obtain “1 Accounting hour”?

    NASBA: Yes you can take an accounting course online to fulfill it as long as its not a duplicate of one you have already taken. You can also go ahead and sit for the exam now while you complete the course.

    On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:14 PM,

    NASBA: I made you approved to sit however in order to be licensed you will need 1 hour in accounting cause it looks like you only have 32 out of the 33 semester hours in accounting required.

    Thank you,

    State Coordinator (NY M-Z)

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    National Association of State Boards of Accountancy(NASBA)

    150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700

    Nashville, TN 37219


    I had a similar issue. I signed up as a “non-degree” at my old CUNY school (and made sure I could get a grade in the class), and picked out an upper-level undergrad economics course that the accounting department had on its list of recommended “CPA-eligible” classes. There's some logistics with: applying as a non-degree and getting your transcript approved, and being the last priority to register for classes (I picked a strange, unpopular time for class). Definitely start to look around online and check around with school websites, as there are winter/spring class registration deadlines coming up, and the bureaucracy gets trickier with the holidays coming up and the fall semester ending soon.

    I really can't pass again!


    I'm just talking about signing up for any random online course, such as LSU Fraud Online Course…can anyone confirm or reject that NASBA will just accept any course you didn't take in UGRAD?


    If that conversation is with someone from the NYS accountancy board, then they will be the ones who have the final say on what they will/won't accept.

    I really can't pass again!


    Limey, which course did you take and at what school? I was a former CUNY student (Baruch).

    JWS, which course did you take online? I asked someone at the NASBA and she is “not allowed to tell you what and what not to take”.


    CPAlover, I can confirm that NASBA will accept any course you didn't take undergrad.

    “You can take any Accounting course from any regionally accredited school as long as the course is not a duplicate of any course you have already taken.”

    Problem is, what does “regionally accredited” mean? That LSU course seems very interesting. And waaaaaay cheaper than Devry ($2225) or U of Phoenix ($2000+).

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