NC- BEC scores should be mailed today

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  • #156666

    If my estimations are correct, our BEC scores should be mailed out today! Hope I have reason to celebrate this weekend! (Not that I have time for it…but in theory.) 🙂

    Good Luck!

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  • #204898

    I figured the same thing, but now I am not sure. I read this on the nc board website:

    The AICPA then forwards the scores for each section to the National Candidate Database (NCD) which is managed by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). NASBA processes the score notices and sends the score notices to the Board. The Board then reviews, processes, and mails the score notices to candidates.

    So, do you think that means that all delays at NASBA will hold it up? Jeff, maybe you could weigh in on this.

    Also, I was checking the mailing dates on the website today and this morning the table was filled in with all the different exams and their wave 1 mailing dates with blank spots for the wave 2 mailing dates, now the whole table is blank! I am thinking about calling Phyllis about it.


    I asked Phyllis why the score mailing dates table was blank and this was her response:

    I just had the information remove so that when the second wave of scores comes in the new dates will be posted

    It kind of sounds like they were not mailed today, but who knows. The last time I was expecting them to be mailed I emailed her asking when REG would be mailed and she said she had no idea and then it was posted later that day that they were mailed. I doubt she went from having no idea, to mailing them all in the course of a couple of hours.


    Yeah, I emailed her too asking if the BEC scores had been mailed out and this was her response (verbatim):

    Not yet

    That was around 2pm today…so I'm guessing they didn't go out today. I wonder how many calls/emails poor Phyllis gets every day.

    Oh, and I also read the mumbo-jumbo about getting scores from NASBA…I thought we were independent?? But I was just basing that on Jeff having us in the independent states. And I immediately wondered if the IT issues that the NASBA has been having will delay our scores even more.

    I guess the wait continues….


    Dude, Phyliss is so to the point! She doesn't sugarcoat anything. I actually met her. They withheld my audit scores until I submitted a transcript showing I earned my last accounting credit. I was 1 credit shy of my concentration so at 30yrs old and a NCSU grad with 3 years public accounting experience, I had to take an online payroll accounting course at Nash Community College. The day Nash posted grades, I drove there from Raleigh, drove back and right over to the Board with my transcript and handed it to Phyliss in exchange for my scores that they had held for over 1.5mos! I have no patience. Fortunately, I got a 93, so that day Phyliss was my hero. She told me her email is flooded every morning. I think they will be mailed tomorrow. She wouldn't have cleared the info off the mailing page if she didn't think they were coming until next week. It doesn't make sense.


    I am caught up by that rule, too. I took 3 parts of the exam this past quarter but don't know if I should revisit those sections of the exam because they will not release my scores until I wrap up these final 2 online classes. The rule of holding up scores until the classes are complete doesn't make a lot of sense to me but I guess there is no way around it since they have all the power and they know it.

    FAR 76, REG 86, BEC 83, AUD 86
    Accountant Wilmington NC


    Wow so happy to see posts from others in NC. I'm hoping for scores to be mailed today. I also noticed yesterday that the state website had been cleared completely of first wave mailing dates. I probably checked the website thousands of times yesterday. Hoping I have something special in my mailbox after work. I can't take much more waiting.


    I know, Phyllis cracks me up! When I submitted my application, she sent me an email that literally said:

    Need copy of Marriage Certificate proving name change

    That's it. No "Hi, I'm with the CPA examiners board, and I need such and such" and no signature or anything. Thank goodness her email address had her full name in it and the @nccpaboard at the end or I wouldn't have trusted it. I figure she has to be so short with people in order to be efficient. But it makes me laugh. I wish we could get away with being that blunt with our clients/coworkers/fellow students/professors/etc. 🙂

    Well, another day of waiting for us. Crossing my fingers to see today's date on that table today by lunch.




    I had to read it three times and stare at my calendar to make sure today is the 24th!

    Hopefully we all receive happy surprises in our mailboxes tomorrow!

    Good luck to all!


    Yay! Just saw it too!


    Yahoo! Just got mine! And I passed! 2 down (REG and BEC) and 2 to go!

    Hope you all received good news as well!


    Got mine an hour ago…83! Very excited. Gonna celebrate tonight! Anyone in Raleigh?


    Got mine right before lunch~ PASSED!!! It was a beautiful 75! That was my last one so I made it finally!

    Good luck to the rest…hope you all get good news as well!


    Runnergirl- Congrats on being done! Can't wait until I can say that!!!

    kmcauliffe- Have fun celebrating! Wish I was in Raleigh! I got my undergrad at NC state and definitely miss Raleigh. But I'm not too far away in the Greensboro area.

    I'm just going to open a bottle of Merlot and chill in front of the TV with the fam tonight. But will sigh a big sigh of relief for being done with 2 parts. 🙂

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