I am having the same issue. I've called over 10 times and emailed 3 times to ask about transferring scores. Hoping i can post my situation here and get some feedback:
I've been led to believe that Massachusetts is lax on accepting scores from other states without meeting Mass sitting requirements.
I was 2 accounting courses short to be eligible to sit in Massachusetts so I elected to sit in Alaska since i'm eligible there. I've been advised from friends that I can take exams in Alaska, once I pass, complete the education requirements for Mass (already have experience) and then transfer scores to Massachusetts when I apply for licensure.
Can anybody confirm this will work? I've heard certain states like California and Illinois will not accept scores from other states if they were taken while not being eligible in their respective state but have read no such thing for Massachusetts.
Also, I read up on 252-cmr and the only provision Mass has outlined in accepting scores is that the state follows the same 18 month window rule. Pasting that link here for reference: https://www.mass.gov/doc/252-cmr-2-requirements-for-certification/download
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!