Licensing with prior felony conviction

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  • #1647472

    Hi everyone,

    Before starting any testing commitment I was wondering if someone like me with felony conviction (white collar crime) can still become licensed accountant in NYC. I read many comments but still couldn’t fulfill my research. Some saying definite NO when others had totally different experience.
    Can someone help me out and answer me, please? I’m a single parent and really don’t want to believe in some pipe dream.

    Many thanks.

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  • #1647476

    It probably depends on the circumstances.
    Felony for white collar crime really isn't much in your favor though.
    Do you want to share any more details?
    The decision would ultimately depend on the NYS board, and your “explanation letter”.


    i concur with recked. I've done a little research on the topic for my own situation (misdemeanor, not while collar) and it all comes down to facts and circumstance. More info would help the forum opine more accurately.


    I think this is something you would have to bring to your state board. With most professional licenses (lawyer, pharmacists, DVM, MD…) a felony is a disqualifier, but boards can determine these things on a case by case basis.

    My suggestion is to talk to someone that deals with professional administrative hearings/licensing, such as an attorney. Get their advice on it. It is likely going to depend on length of time since conviction, severity of the crime, what you've done since then to better yourself, etc. You probably would have to make a case to the board explaining why they should license you, how you've changed, why you won't do it again, and so on.


    A post from 2016, link below, may offer some useful advice, best of luck.


    The last 2 paragraphs are pretty telling there.
    I strongly suggest you either consult and attorney, or the NYS board BEFORE beginning the CPA exam process.
    You better have a damn good excuse as well to add to your explanation.

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