Is it too late to start?

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    A bit about me: I live in CA, which requires a master’s degree if you don’t pass all 4 tests by 12/31/2013. I was enrolled in a MSA but recently found out (yesterday) that I did not make the cut in one class, so I would need to wait another year (possibly 2) to re-enroll and finish that. I am contemplating trying to start studying now and taking all 4 tests towards the end of November. I recently got laid off from my job so I pretty much wouldn’t have anything going except studying 24/7 until the exams. Is this enough time to study enough? In the past I have generally been a good test taker, but I would like to hear from some of you remarkable human beings (CPAs and future CPAs, that is!)

    If you think this is possible, what type of study habits would you recommend? If there is anyone out there who passed in a short amount of time, what study materials did you use? I have heard that FAR is the best test to start with as it is harder, but would that still apply in a “one shot or nothing” scenario? Your advice would be much appreciated.

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  • #434554

    CA requires 150 units, not a masters, so whatever courses to get you over the unit hurdle (and specific subject unit requirements) will do it. Can always finish the masters when you can get back in.

    If you want to try and tackle the whole thing before year end, I'd pass on taking all four sections at once and lean more towards a super accelerated approach like Oct1, Oct 20, Nov 10, Nov 30. Twenty or so days of intense studying for each might actually work.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is how I understand the current CPA licensing requirements for CA, at least in terms of the educational component. I know there are two pathways currently: pathway (1) requires 120 units, but this will become inoperative effective 1/1/2014. Pathway (2) requires 150 units, and this will be the standard pathway starting 1/1/2014. HOWEVER, the unit requirements for the last 30 units will be changing beginning 1/1/2014 – you will need 10 units of ethics based study and 20 units of accounting based study (see

    As an aside, it seems that new legislation will allow 2 more years the for experience requirements to be fulfilled assuming I pass by 12/31/2013 (see

    Between the portion of the MSA that I passed and all my undergrad studies, I ended up with 150.5 passing units. However, I am certain that the last 30 units will not meet the changes to pathway 2 that will occur on 1/1/2014. This is why I think I need to rush. I suppose you're right in that I do not need a master's, but I'm not sure if the classes I could take at community college would count towards the specific unit requirements, so I am resigned to the idea that I need to have a master's degree to complete the last 30 units requirements that start 1/1/2014 (though please correct me if I'm wrong).

    This is why I am thinking I need to rush and complete the CPA exam by 12/31/12 (or more like 11/30/12 as the tests are not given on the 3rd month of every quarter of the year, as it sounds like you already know).

    I like the idea of the accelerated approach of 10/1, 10/20, 11/10, and 11/30. That sounds much more doable than all 4 tests on the same day


    Well, if you look at my signature, I have done the tests fairly quickly. (May through August) 4 months.

    I put in about 4 weeks for AUD, 3 weeks for BEC, 5 weeks for FAR, and am doing REG in 2.5 weeks. (14.5 weeks)

    My study routine during these weeks was 5 days@6-10 hours up to Aug, and 7 days @6-10 hours through Aug.

    I did take a 10 day trip in June, as well as a couple days off here and there. The above counts take that into consideration.

    If you start studying Sept 1, you would have ~14 weeks to get it done. So based on my experience, for someone who can give full time to it, 14 weeks is doable.

    My concern here is, forgive me, that if you are having trouble with your MSA program, that your foundation in accounting may not be strong enough for such a rushed strategy. You also may run into a problem I did: the hours in the day are there, but your mind stops absorbing anything after so long. When I hit the 8-9 hour mark, I could definitely feel my brain saying “LOL what!?” every other minute.

    But if you can stay focused and are good at quickly grabbing up concepts that may be unfamiliar to you, I think you could very well knock it out in 3 months.



    I would second acamp's advice to take them spread throughout the window rather than all at once. I've seen several people take and pass all 4 in the same window. Won't say it's easy, but it's possible. Chances are around 20-30% to pass all sections on first try regardless of timing…but hey, you could be that 20%!

    As to study strategy, take a couple days to look at samples of all the popular review courses and see which ones seems most like something you could learn from. Also look at how long the lectures, etc., are so that you can see which ones you could actually fit into your 20 days' time. I personally like Wiley's material because reading the book is quicker than watching lectures, but if you don't think you could learn well from just a textbook, then it wouldn't be such a great idea.


    Thanks you three for the advice, I really appreciate it.

    If I took the tests on the accelerated order as described above (10/1, 10/20, 11/10, 11/30), that would give me more time for the 10/1 test – 30 days as opposed to 20 for the other 3. What section would you suggest I spend more time on? From what I've heard, FAR is the hardest, though I seemed to do the best in my “FAR” classes during undergrad. I didn't learn very much at all in my “AUD” undergrad class. The other thing to consider is the FAR material was spread out over 5 classes, but AUD was only one class.


    If I could do it over again. I'd do FAR, AUD, REG, BEC

    FAR because its huge then

    AUD because there is a lot of overlap and FAR topics frequently peek into AUD

    REG because it is hard with some thinking harder than FAR

    BEC because it has some items from FAR as well as AUD.

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    Whatever order you do, I would allocate the most time to FAR. It is not inherently the hardest. But it is the longest.

    In cpaexcel, REG,BEC,AUD have about 120 lessons. FAR has 238 if memory suits me…



    I say go for it. Worst case scenario, you only pass a couple of the exams… However, at that point, you might as well retake the exams until you pass… and then get the education credit afterwards. The education requirements to SIT for the exam are not changing. So, if you're ready now, you might as well start.

    Apply IMMEDIATELY. California applications can take a really long time. I applied April 9 and didn't get approval until May 20th. I had a slight issue that delayed the process a few days, but I still would say the CA application takes at least a month. So I would be concerned that you will not get your NTS in time to schedule an exam in early October. So, again, apply right now!

    FAR 7/3/13 - 82
    BEC 8/21/13 - 82
    AUD 10/2/13 - 92
    REG 12/3/13 - 88

    DONE!!!! CA Candidate
    Beat the 12/31/13 clock!


    The additional 30 units can be in anything that is offered from an accredited community college. The courses can be basket weaving, dance or elementary mathematics. You do still need a certain amount of accounting and ethics related courses but that requirement can be met from courses you have taken. There are no rules on what extra 30 units need to be in.


    Have you met the experience requirement already? If I understood correctly the legislation you mentioned above has not been passed as of right now. You have to have your license application submitted by Dec 31 so there's another factor you have to consider.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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