IL Scores - Page 26

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  • #157226

    Anyone else out there waiting for IL scores? I’m waiting on FAR, and a friend is waiting on BEC. Does anyone know how long it takes for the board to post after the AICPA releases? Jeff expects a BEC release from AICPA today. 🙂

    (IL) AUD 86 ~ BEC 75 ~ REG 76 ~ FAR 80

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  • #270874

    I am here for both of you too. We “waiting for score” people must stick together! Hopefully soon we will all be celebrating! Since it is my last one…I already have a BIG pile of study papers etc.. just waiting to be torched.


    Just got my score!!!!!!! Pass 84 5th time is a charm

    Waiting to be a CPA

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!

    IL Candidate
    AUD 60, 60, (8/22)
    FAR 58, 78
    BEC 77

    Waiting to be a CPA

    ILCPAgirl I am really soooo so so happy for you!

    IL Candidate
    AUD 60, 60, (8/22)
    FAR 58, 78
    BEC 77


    Waiting to be a CPA – We will all get through this together! I did the first two years of this on my own. I have said it before, and I will say it again I am so glad to have you guys and thankful to Jeff for making this site, sharing his story, and putting up with this madness every release.

    I really think elves & fairies could grade faster. I told my husband last night in a “real world” situation I would have been on the phone and have someone's head for making me wait this long, but what can you do in this situation. I have three or possilby four sections left (if this one comes back unfavorable – which it better not and be at least a 75 for being a guinea pig). So for all of you waiting for you last section use your power for good once you pass. Remember us poor, upset, frustrated, aggravated CPA candidates just struggling to get a 75!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Hope you hear soon! I am just so relieved. I wish you all the best and will keep watching until you get your scores.


    ILCPAGirl – I just seen! We must have been typing at the same time. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish the best in your new career as a CPA.

    Okay, I am afraid to look.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    My score was up -65- what the ____________! Okay, so it went up, but it is not there still. Unbelievable. They could have told me that 2 1/2 months ago. What was I the example of what not to do.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Soanxious: I am so sorry. AUD is the Beast! It took me 5 trys to pass it. I used every study material out there and made only a small improvement each time. Do not give up!!! You will pass! I gave AUD a break and took the other exams and passed and then went back to AUD. Just hang in there!!



    SO SORRY to hear about your score – but I am right there with you. I got a 65 on FAR and was devastated. This was my first attempt at a section after taking a few years off from the exam. I was a total zombie when I found out on Monday. The best advice I can give you after obessessing about it for the last few days is to take today to cry, scream, whatever you need to do…. relax tonight, come up with a study plan tomorrow and get back on the horse. I know I need to do more MC questions and review certain areas for FAR. I've already reapplied and scheduled my exam (BTW, I'm amazed at how quickly this process works and they're willing to take my money). WE CAN DO IT! You are not alone!!

    IL Candidate: FAR - 76, BEC - 74, 76, REG - 8/30, AUD - October

    Waiting to be a CPA

    I got a 58. I'll be retaking in July. Thanks for all your support.

    IL Candidate
    AUD 60, 60, (8/22)
    FAR 58, 78
    BEC 77

    Waiting to be a CPA

    I'm sorry Soanxious! I'm right there with you. Miserable right now.

    IL Candidate
    AUD 60, 60, (8/22)
    FAR 58, 78
    BEC 77


    ILCPAGirl – Thanks! I could just cry and I am stuck at work. I feel pretty kicked in the gut right now. I have only until 5/12 to do Reg so I might have to push off FAR, do AUD in May. I wanted to get FAR done quickly so I had two fall backs before the 2011 changes, but.

    Does anyone think that with a 65 I should reread the stupid books again and then do practice or should I do practice and reread where I am falling short? I have never gotten a comparble in the sims yet so this should be an interesting score report. I know I didn't do a lot of practice questions and have said all along if I failed that is what I would do. Just wondering if I am close enough.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    OMG 99!!!! ahhh AND IM DONE!


    AFrieds – Congratulations! That is an awesome score. Good luck to you in your career as a CPA!!!!!!!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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