HELP NINJAS (relating to NH exam candidates)

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  • #181945

    My testing window is from 09/18/13 ~ 03/18/14

    I currently have taken AUD and REG but I know I have to take it again.

    I still have FAR scheduled next week but I think I need more time and I’m planning on rescheduling to Jan or Feb.

    Okay, here’s my question.

    1.) If I were to retake the Aud or Reg, would I have to re-apply for NTS even if I were to take it in my current window?

    2.) Since I have lot of credits from various college and institutions, it took me almost 2 months to get my application approved. If I were to re-apply, would it take that long again with all the re-do of transcript preps?

    3.) Is the re-applying fee equivalent to as when you were first applying?

    4.) As a NH candidate, I’m sure you all know the requirement transition taking into effect as of July .1 2014

    This is from NH board

    “If you were found eligible for the examination prior to July 1, 2014, you are permitted to continue sitting under the previous eligibility requirements until you pass the examination.”

    Does this mean you need to pass for one test prior? or just be approved of eligibility. I don’t know why this confuses me.

    5.) I seem to have difficulty scheduling for Guam prometric center. Does anyone know why? I know I have to pay surcharge for guam centers but I should be able to schedule there..right?

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  • #473709

    1.+2. You can take exams only once within a testing window. For example: You can take all for in one window but you cannot sit twice for AUD.

    As soon as you get your grade you can apply for the new NTS. You should receive it within one or two days, NH is fast.

    You can reschedule up to I think 24 hrs upon the exam. You can postpone as long as your NTS is valid. Check the fees on prometric website.

    3. Yes, few are the same. When you get more exams at once on your NTS it is going to be cheaper but it expires within 6 months.

    4. Just eligibility, no exams need to have been passed.

    5. Sorry, no experience for Guam


    1.+2. You can take exams only once within a testing window. For example: You can take all for in one window but you cannot sit twice for AUD.

    As soon as you get your grade you can apply for the new NTS. You should receive it within one or two days, NH is fast.

    You can reschedule up to I think 24 hrs upon the exam. You can postpone as long as your NTS is valid. Check the fees on prometric website.

    3. Yes, few are the same. When you get more exams at once on your NTS it is going to be cheaper but it expires within 6 months.

    4. Just eligibility, no exams need to have been passed.

    5. Sorry, no experience for Guam

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