Experience opinions/advice

  • Creator
  • #156876

    I’m not quite sure what qualifies to meet the experience criteria of licensing (I’m in CA if it varies by state)

    My job is technically in accounting, but I hardly do any accounting work. I am planning on passing the exam before I have any experience. Is there any reason why this is not a good idea? Is there a time limit from when I pass the exam to when I must meet the experience criteria?

    Thanks in advance for your responses

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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  • Author
  • #208860

    It is always a good idea to go ahead and pass the CPA exam no matter where you are. Once you pass, you are golden forever. States may vary in requirements, but having the exam under your belt is something you will never have to deal with again. If you are young, do it now before other stuff gets in the mix.

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