CPA License Advice, Passed Everything, Misdemeanors - Page 3

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    Let me start of by saying I have not had the best growing up or college history but I have completely turned my life around so I’ll explain a bit but not putting too much out there. Passed all exams, experience requirement, and ethics. Got approved for license. While filling out the application for registration, the have you ever been convicted question comes up, so:
    During college:
    Plead guilty to misdemeanor possession.
    Plead guilty to false statement to police officer for an act being stupidly being drunk in college.
    Plead guilty to misdemeanor paraphernalia.
    After college:
    Plead guilty to misdemeanor possessions.

    I can assure you that life is turned around, haven’t looked back on anything. No felonies and nothing that discredits the profession. I have obtained all court records and plan to write a letter as requested.

    Can anyone give me advice to this?

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  • #2178034

    The volume, the intent, and the fact that you are still on probation all do not help here.
    Was the intent due to quantity, or did you have scales and baggies, etc?
    I was thinking these were all very old charges, not 2 years ago charges.
    Let us know how it goes with the attorney. Curious if they can work out a deal that maybe after probation is over, or maybe if you did outpatient treatment or an NA or AA type program if it might help your case. Good luck on this man. It sucks that your past is still affecting your future even though you have changed. Really hope you can get this sorted out.


    If you apply for another state, there will likely be a question about “have you ever been denied…etc”…my license renewal in KS has that question.

    Not a deal-breaker…like others have said, the board may look more favorably. I would include letters of recommendation, if possible.


    Poss with intent to distribute… you're easily the most interesting accountant I've ever heard of lol Hopefully everything works out so you'll have a killer story to tell your grandchildren. From Drug-lord to CPA. Good luck dude!


    I am so sorry you got denied. I know how nerve-wrecking it is to apply w/ a misdemeanor. I have a DUI misdemeanor from six years ago on my records and I remember losing sleep over thinking I may get denied and why I had to be so stupid to get a DUI in the first place. Like some other people mentioned, did you consider applying through other states? I got my license from California w/o any question asked about the DUI which I disclosed via application.

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    I’m in Maryland and sort of in a similar situation. After reading about what happened to you, I’m very concern myself. Any chance you can private message me? I would greatly appreciate this.




    There is no way to private message on this site, but bumping to the top so maybe OP will come back with a status update.


    Thanks Recked!

    My situation is I got a DUI in 2003 for which I did Probation before judgement (PBJ). 5 years later in 2008, I got another DUI in Washington D.C., for which I plead guilty and completed my probation program. I made a bad judgment and mistakes for which I have learn and paid dearly for it. I’m concern now about the have you ever been convicted question. For my first offense I did not. However, the second I did and completed probation. I’m just wondering since it’s been more than 10 and 15 years, whether I should not disclose. If I disclose it, it is highly likely that the board in Maryland will cite the same ruling they did when they denied his license.


    You should go back and re-read this thread.
    You're comparing a couple DUI charges with possession with intent, and a charge of false report(lying) to a police officer.
    Many people have gotten licensed with a DUI in their past, I would not worry about that at all.
    Lying about the charge is actually a felony (in some states) and if you are caught lying you will 100% have no shot.
    I would not take that gamble, especially with all the computerized records.


    I guess I was misunderstanding the ruling. My interpretation was that because of the misdemeanor, the license was denied.



    My personal opinion that anyone that have criminal record should be denied the license. Even if you have reckless driving charge you should be denied. The industry needs to be cleaned up badly.


    Silent – So if one has made mistakes when they were younger, but has grown up, matured, learned from their lessons and focused on a decent future should be rejected after all the hard work and effort put into becoming a CPA?

    I’m sorry, but I think that is just ridiculous. I don’t believe your opinion is relevant at all. I think the industry needs to be cleaned up, but from closed minded people like you.

    Everyone else, good luck. After all this hard work, you deserve it. Write those letters, get recommendations!


    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink.
    Keep on preaching from your ivory tower @Silent. The rest of us pleebs will keep on grinding it out to make a better life.
    Did you know in some states a speeding ticket of 20 mph can result in a reckless driving charge?
    Cripple someone's future for 20mph over the speed limit… real nice.


    Thank you, everyone. I’m not proud of my mistakes I made in my 20’s. I want to make a better life for my family and myself. When I get to that bridge to cross, I’ll disclose and leave it up to the Universe.


    Hi Cyer99, thank you for reading my post. The only advice that I can give to you is disclose everything unless its expunged. I think it might be best to call the board and get some insight and ask how far you should go. If they don't then maybe best to talk to a professional license attorney and see what advice they can give you. After consulting with many attorneys, the best thing on your side is time. Since you have had a lot of time pass, you are in the clear and have a good case. My letter describing everything and the outcomes, etc etc still wasn't enough so I will likely be going down that road and hiring one and represent me at a hearing. It is a cost path but in the end it will be worth it. You have a good case where so much time has passed and one will be able to represent you should you get denied.

    So as an update, I am still waiting patiently and working hard to achieve my goal. I am determined to get this as everything is behind me. In a few months I will have an update. Yes its been a tough battle, but persistence, dedication to the profession and the strive to get me there are the only things holding me!


    Hi AnonForAdvice,

    Thanks for writing back. I downloaded my complete driving record and my PBJ does show up. Unfortunately, I cannot get that sealed. My DC is the only one I plead guilty and it too cannot be sealed. I’ll call the board and inquire about my situation. I really would be devastated too if I’m denied because of the misdemeanor.

    When you disclosed were you required to provide explanations right away or did they follow up with you later? I may end up requiring legal advice too.

    Thanks and I wish you all the best too.

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