CA: Posting of official scores?

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  • #156741

    Has anyone in CA gotten their score reports for the July/Aug testing window? I got my AUD advisory score in August, but it still has not been officially posted to my record. I anticipate passing BEC in October (my last part) and having an advisory score in November, but when should I expect all of my scores to be official so that I can apply for the actual license?


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  • #207261

    Last window mine took three weeks to "post"


    It's been almost 6 weeks so far and mine still hasn't posted.


    I got my BEC score last week and my score report posted the very next day… ?


    I'm wondering too. I got my score 9/22 and was wondering when I'll get my score report (I didn't pass).


    bump! Anyone have the official score yet or score report? How long does it usually take?


    I still haven't gotten mine.


    Well, still nothing. I thought maybe by 9/30. It's 10/2. I was thinking about calling, but the CA BOA is closed today. Grrrrr…..


    I called the CA BOA last week and asked them about why my final score hadn't been posted yet. I explained to the person on the phone that I received my advisory score on 8/20 and was still patiently waiting for the final scores to be processed. I explained that this was my last score and I had already sent in my application materials with the thought process that it would only be a few weeks for the final score to post to my account. I was informed that, "If I was lucky, my final score would be posted to my account at the end of October." That is practically 10 weeks after the Advisory score posted! I explained my frustration with the process and was told that due to the furloughs, they are unable to keep up with the demand. Needless to say, I am VERY frustrated and disappointed with the entire process.


    I am in the same situation; I received my last advisory score on 09/22. I had already passed the ethics exam and got the fingerprints in prior to this. I sent in my application and experience documentation about a week and a half ago. I was looking at the candidate booklet and found the below paragraph. When I emailed to see if I could get the form they said I would have to wait until they started to review the application. This sucks!

    If experience is obtained outside California, written verification from the out-of-state board or licensing body that the supervisor holds a valid license to practice public accountancy is required. Upon receipt of an application for licensure, the Board will send the applicant a verification form that must be mailed to the out-of-state board or licensing agency issuing the supervisor's CPA license. An official seal of the state board or foreign licensing body issuing the license to the supervisor is required on the signed document. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide the necessary fees associated with the completion of the verification.


    My final score just posted!


    I took mine on August 28 and am still waiting for it to become “official”. The CA BOA said that there were a lot of candidates that window and should have a bunch coming through this week.


    I took BEC in the 2nd wave JUL/AUG and I noticed my score finally went official about 2 weeks ago. At that same time my score report was there as well.

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