Washington Admin Date/Attended Status

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  • #156732

    I am currently waiting for the release of my AUD score for the exam administered on mid-August. I am in Washington. However, some concern has been raised by the fact that the WBOA Application Status Web Page does not indicate the Admin Date or Attd Status for this test. Typically, these fields have been updated within a week or two after taking the test. They have not been updated for the AUD section. This leads me to believe that perhaps some error has occurred, as I have conferred with other candidates in Washington who have been not experienced this issue and whose actual scores have been posted. Anybody have any ideas or seen this before? I know I need to wait until the 30th to know for sure what is going on but this seems atypical.

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    Mr500 – I have the exact same issue. I am in WA still waiting for my FAR score. I was getting worried that they somehow lost the record that I took the exam since the Admin Date and Attd Status were blank. Castle told me (via email) to be patient and that all scores and attd statuses would be updated by the 30th. I took my exam in Puyallup on August 13. Hopefully if we took them on different days and at different sites, then it is just an updating issue and not a missing score issue.


    Yeah I took mine at Mountlake Terrace August 13th as well, that is interesting. I emailed and they gave me the same reply about waiting for the 30th. I wouldn't be concerned if just the score hadn't been posted, but having no indication of it being taken whatsoever is odd to me.


    Im having the same problem, waiting on BEC.


    I took mine at Mountlake Terrace on August 15th.

    I took FAR in July, and received my score the morning after AICPA released the FAR scores. My attended status and date however, was not updated until my score was up, so I don't really think that is the issue.

    I emailed Jennifer Layton this morning, and she is contacting NASBA to find out what is going on, and will let me know what to expect.

    If you decide to email Jennifer please include your castle ID. Her email address is jlayton@castleworldwide.com


    Well it's good to know that I'm not the only one. I took FAR at Mountlake Terrace on 8/13 as well. No score, no attended status. Hopefully this doesn't turn out to be a problem.


    I emailed Jennifer over the weekend (but didn't include my ID) and her reply was:

    "The attendance dates are uploaded to us in the same manner as the scores. Your account will be completely updated by September 30."

    Not exactly what I was looking for but whatever. I wonder the the hold up is?


    Same issue here – I took AUD on August 13 in Puyallup – no attendance update, and also no score yet.

    Five days after the exam I noticed the attendance update still missing, so I emailed Castle, and received the same answer all of you have, about Sept 30th, etc.

    Castle has known about this issue for awhile, so it is a bit surprising that they are contacting NASBA now!!!???

    Has anyone called WA State Board about this?


    I called the WA State Board and they said to contact Castle about it. I'm guessing that Castle will just tell us to wait until Wednesday….


    Last window Castle posted scores full 3 days after AICPA release, and it seems that missing the attendance update does not make a difference in the end – I'll wait another 24 hrs, hopefully will not have to be that long…

    If anyone receives their scores, please let the rest of us know…


    Hey dopefreediva, just curious if you heard back from Jennifer yet?

    I know what you're talking about as far as Castle posting 3 days after the AICPA release last window because I too was part of that group. However, then it seemed like nobody from Washington had received their score for that section (I think it was REG). This is really weird because it seems that the only people still waiting in Washington all took the test on the same day! Hopefully we'll hear something soon to put all of us at ease. Anyone else having trouble getting any work done today!?


    I'll go find the worst project to work on, it will be a nice break from this torture.


    I'm doing mindless work….formatting financial statements for governmental entities

    I haven't heard from Jennifer yet, but someone else has and I guess they were missing a lot of scores from NASBA and we are to wait 24-48 hours for them to be updated 🙁


    The same thing happened last time – when I called Castle, they said they have not received the scores yet, and to wait till the end of the month. I called NASBA immediately, they claimed they'd sent my score two days earlier over to Castle (did not give me my score, but verified that it was in the batch transferred on a specific date). Called Castle again, end of month story again…Called WA State Board to inquire if they would send/email directly, and to complain a bit as well…my score was up on Castle within 30 min, even though they said they did not have them.

    Not sure what is happening at Castle – could it be it is just Jennifer Layton doing all the work herself? She is always very nice, but their system of doing things is not the best for WA candidates.


    I received my AUD score lsat Thursday morning, I think that was the day after the scores were released by AICPA. I took my exam at the Mountlake location on Aug 19. I don't understand why certain scores are released & others are not? It seems strange, and I am sorry you all are having to go through this waiting. I was hoping for my scores early last week so felt like waiting until Thursday was rough, but that is nothing compared to others it appears. Good luck everyone.


    Also, the admin date & attended status were updated relatively soon after I sat for the AUD section on 8/19, I would say within one week – maybe even sooner than that – after 2-3 days. Maybe try calling the testing center to see if they have an explanation?

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