24 Accounting Units Requirement

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  • #195133

    I have a question regarding the 24 accounting unit prerequisite to sit in for the CPA exams.

    I took a course at San Diego State called Accounting 505: Fraud Examination. Does this count as an accounting unit? This course was an accounting elective.

    I have 151 units and this is just the one thing I don’t know, as Accounting subjects are defined by CBA Regulations section 9.2(b) to include: Accounting, Auditing, Financial Reporting, External or Internal Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Taxation.

    Has anyone taken a similar course and got credit for it?

    Thank you.

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  • #676008

    @adam92 While I did not take a course with that precise title, I did have a similar question when I was applying. When I called my state board, they advised anything was an “ACC” course label would more than likely be accepted. You may want to call your state board just to be sure, but I'd assume it would be accepted.

    FAR - 76! 10/15; (65) 7/15
    BEC - 82! 11/15; (74) 8/15
    AUD - 01/16
    REG - TBA


    I called the California Board of Accountancy and the guy really was not helpful whatsoever. He said that “it depends on the subject course matter” or something along those lines. I told him the class is ACCTG*** and the subject was Fraud Examination, but I took away nothing from what he said.

    On the course catalog under Accounting 505 it says:

    Skills and tools for auditors, consultants, tax professionals,

    managers. Techniques and technologies for fraud investigation

    and interviewing. Case analysis, research of public records, ethical

    decision-making for accountants.

    Do you think that makes it count?


    I am fairly certain that they will use it towards your 24 units of accounting. Is this for your application to sit or for your license?


    This is for my application to sit. I had my school send in official transcripts the other day and today I was going to submit the California application for the Uniform CPA Examination.


    As long as it is an accounting course with the accounting prefix from an accredited school, I do not see how they couldn't accept it.


    @MaLoTu that it is, but I was just scared that they would see that it's called ACCTG 505: “Fraud Examination” and reject it because it doesn't have the word “Accounting” in the course title. But it is an Accounting Course with the Accounting prefix from an accredited school, I just don't know if they knit pick these kind of things.


    You can try calling back and see if you can talk to someone else.


    They keep transferring me over to the examination unit where they keep saying the line is busy and nobody ever picks up…pretty frustrating.


    that is frustrating! mornings tend to be the best time to reach them.

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