You can ask for an extension on the 18 mo. rule - Page 6

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  • #161671

    A board member on my state’s board told me that any time someone has asked for an extension they have given the candidate an extra 6 months without letting any exam scores lapse. I had never heard of this before and figured it would help people out. He said the board gets fewer than 10 requests for this a year. I just wanted to share since I have never heard anyone on these boards talk about it.

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  • #378047

    I wouldn't want you doing my taxes either mini. If i gave you the wrong document you might tell me i dont deserve to have my taxes done correctly and the IRS should audit me and fine me thousands of dollars. Apparently if everyone isn't as smart as you they're an idiot. I wonder who the idiot will be when your significant other leaves you by yourself due to your pure arrogance and set in stone requirements for everything in the world.




    @bmsheppard!! LOL!!!

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!


    I really can not believe how angry and hurtful people are becoming over a discussion. And it isn't even over an important social issue ~ it is an accounting rule, which most likely will not impact the majority of us. I always find it interesting that someone will attach someone's character because their opinion offended them. This kind of behavior brings everyone to the same low level. It is a bit out of control in my humble opinion…

    REG 72, 86 and DONE!!!
    BEC 80 🙂
    FAR 72, 78 🙂
    AUD 73, 76 🙂


    Mini and Sandra can be rude and condescending at times – they can also be helpful.

    I've gotten several “I'm leaving your forum” emails …

    I can't censor opinions … unless they are just picking fights for the sake of drama which in this case I don't see that.

    Some of us need to a little less biting probably and some of us need to laugh and not take everything personally.

    Keep Moving Forward.


    I haven't said anything because I am probably bias…but…

    Mini helps me all the time. He knows how much I have failed and by how much and he still helps me. He doesn't call me an idiot and is always supportive of me. He gives me the kick in the butt that I sometimes need and gives me his OPINION on things. I know he has also been a big help to KeepTrying. Anyone that knows her story knows how much she struggled.

    I have a chance of not making my 18 month window but it is only MY fault. During my process, I have dealt with my parents HORRIBLE divorce, my bf's mom being in critical condition, traveling a crap ton for work and working insane hours. Yes, I haven't lost a section before but if I do, I would never dream of asking for an extension. Why would I? I don't want special treatment. I want to beat this thing on my own at the standard everyone else is held to. Period. Now that is MY opinion and I deserve to speak it just like I have the right to say that I think Mini is an awesome person. Sometimes I may not agree with what he says but I would never attack him the way he has been attacked, no matter if I think it is warranted. I have attacked a couple of people on here…well…one really and I apologized for it because it isn't helpful.


    @Jeff – I am sorry for the handful of people who decided to leave. That is too bad. This forum is great for a lot of different reasons. I'll step up and purchase one of your products every couple months to give to someone who could use the extra boost.

    Along those lines, I had a funny thing happen to me this morning. I was early to a meeting this morning so I decided to stop off at McDonalds for something to drink and to use the restroom. There was a really nice old lady in line in front of me. Like old. Probably 90. She placed her order and I stepped up to the counter and put a $20 on the counter and told the cashier I would take care of it (I also ordered an OJ). This lady started crying on the spot! She said it was so unexpected and she is on a tight budget and blah blah blah. It was really cute, but kind of awkward at the same time. Has anyone had anyone cry like that? lol.


    For crying out loud…

    I said- BEFORE I STARTED ON MY CPA EXAM “JOURNEY” I would have said 6 months should be the time limit and that test taking should be limited- followed by “the process and the people I have met have changed my mind”.

    Reading isn't that hard folks. I know my spelling sucks, but the words usually make understandable sentences. I can take it as well as I can dish it out, but if we're going to have this convo, please at least read my posts. Like ALL the words.

    Now back to the important stuff:

    Mini huskies are bastards, although their breed name escapes me at the moment. I have a GSD already and feel like a little girl GSD puppy would fit in well here. CJ needs a baby sister.


    That must've been quite an experience for you Mini… having someone cry because of your kindness. Yes, sometimes people cry because you make them happy, not just because you belittle them and put them down.

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!


    I couldn't resist that, but now I'll be serious. I've had someone in a car ahead of me pay for me at Starbucks before. And I've done the same for someone else. It's such a shocking thing when someone does something like that, because most people don't.

    You never really know the effect something small that you do can have on another person.

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!


    I'm just going to say I enjoy the forum for 2 reasons ~ 1 I find it immensely useful to talk to others who are going through the same and can offer advice, and 2 for comic relief or a distraction from my studies. If all the threads were serious discussions of accounting topics I likely would'nt have this open most of the work day. Instead I often find discussions like this, which yes sometimes take unfortunate turns, but still, what can I say, they entertain me. Plus, they are mostly on interesting topics to argue. I enjoy a good argument, with thoughtful opinions on either side, and I think generally that is what goes on here.

    I would add an opinion to the 18 mo rule, but I don't know that I have one. I can't say I feel strongly either way as it hasn't personally affected me.

    AUD 85 (2/12) Using Becker
    FAR 81 (5/12)
    BEC 79 (7/13)
    REG 85 (10/1)

    "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."


    ^ Really?



    That wasn't meant for you, the lag caught me. Guess that is was I get for being a B.


    @ Mini ~ Are you sure you didn't poke her with your devil horns to make her cry? jk… haha. I guess you do have a soul somewhere in a deep dark corner 😉

    REG 72, 86 and DONE!!!
    BEC 80 🙂
    FAR 72, 78 🙂
    AUD 73, 76 🙂


    Jeff, I think the Ninjas need to start selling “I hate Mini” T-shirts…

    They would probably sell out faster than iPhone 5's.

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