You can ask for an extension on the 18 mo. rule - Page 5

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    A board member on my state’s board told me that any time someone has asked for an extension they have given the candidate an extra 6 months without letting any exam scores lapse. I had never heard of this before and figured it would help people out. He said the board gets fewer than 10 requests for this a year. I just wanted to share since I have never heard anyone on these boards talk about it.

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  • #378032

    I really don't like rabbits. I hate cats. I do like dogs though. If I were to get a dog, I'd get a Husky or German Shepherd! What is the miniature version of a Husky?

    @Sandra – I think you should list out those 10 people =O

    Class of 2012


    I don't think a single person on this forum should be so arrogant as to assume they know whether or not anyone else on here deserves to be a CPA.

    BEC- 73, 73, 80
    REG- 74, 83
    FAR- 50(didn't study), 76 (<--How the heck did that happen?)
    AUD- 71, 71, 79!!!!!


    Mrs 300, you said that some states accept higher or lower raw percentage scores to pass. I thought it was all pretty standardized and had no idea it varied from state to state. Where did you see/read this?

    B- 84 (10/21/12)
    A- (4/1/13)
    R- 78 (8/29/12)
    F- 81 (7/10/12)


    @ Sandra

    Okay, maybe it's hormonal changes 😀 You wouldn't know.

    But you're there to judge and you judge everyone by yourself. There are people of different backgrounds, no accounting degrees, family issues, single parents, multiple jobs, scarce finance, out of school for 20 years, English is their fourth language, illnesses, rabbits, and God knows what other challenges.

    And all you come up with is people who cannot pass within 6 months shouldn't be CPAs at all or ” if I failed a section twice I would contemplate taking a bath with the toaster” 😀 😀 😀

    I won't even comment the “pure pool” statement. It sounds very much like something said by someone in Germany over 65 years ago .

    And then the CPA is just a test. You passed it, you should know your $hit fairly well. The CPA has been glorified in the past because fewer people had it. Now the times are different. People are more ambitious and hungry; jobs are fewer => competition is greater. It's normal to have more CPAs. Since we're all different, there are many ways to distinguish yourself.

    Other than that I like your comments; they are reasonable 🙂


    Did you just compare Sandra to Hitler? Lol.


    You said it 😀


    Maybe not Hitler but I'm pretty sure he just insinuated that she was a Nazi…

    Awesome, we've sunk to a new low on this thread.


    We've reached the bottom long time ago.

    It took me more than 6 months to pass the tests and I failed some of them, which according to Sandra is moronic. I felt offended.


    It also took me more then 6 months but I don't understand why would you be offended?

    If she REALLY wanted to kill herself with a toaster over a voluntary test then who is really the moron?

    Her opinion is just that. Her opinion. She's entitled to it, like you are yours… No need to name call.


    @Sandra and @Mini–should I be a CPA after taking the exam a total of 17 times? Once you post your response, please let my employer know so that he can revoke my six-figure salary for being the idiot that can't pass the exam in a 6-month window. Additionally, I'll rehire the senior accountant that I fired because she couldn't do an account reconciliation or properly prepare an audit schedule for our auditors; by the way, she passed all four parts of the exam within 6-months, on the first try.

    I have re-read your posts and can ABSOLUTELY find negative, berating comments that are unnecessary and unwarranted. Shame on you.

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!


    I told you I'm getting angry easily these days…


    @ 75, if it took you 6 months that makes you a SUPERGENIUS to me!!

    12 months almost to the day and I thought I was doing pretty good speed wise 🙂

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @dthomasello…please do not dumb-down the repulsiveness of Sandra/Mini's comments–they were uncalled for. No one is decrying their entitlement to opinion; rather, we're responding with our opinion. If Sandra wants to claim we're moronic for not passing within 6-months, then we'll claim the arrogance of her posts. It's that simple.

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!



    Of course it's a good speed. Knowing your circumstances, it's actually genius!!!

    It took me 10 months (no accounting degree + English is my 4th language + poor discipline during the summer window).


    I'm not sure salary has any relevance to this conversation either. Lil Wayne makes millions each year, but I certainly wouldn't want him doing my taxes.

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