Would you email you Board of Accountancy…

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  • #181227

    In your state to ask about the progress (how longer do I have to wait) of them processing my application and then eventually getting my Payment Coupon? I still need NTS

    I sent it on the 7th of this month. Almost a full 2 weeks now. Or, should I just keep waiting? I’m like basically done studying for AUD. I want to take AUD early November (tomorrow would be fine too) and then take BEC early December. I’m waiting for my grades for FAR. I’m bored as hell right now. I can’t do anything!

    I want to chill, but I’m afraid 10 days of not re-studying/reviewing will make me forget about AUD. Keep studying? I guess I could do a few more simulated exams… Suggestions?

    FAR - 62 (10/2/13), 50 (5/30/14)
    AUD - 73 (10/30/13), 66 (5/6/14)
    REG - 69 (4/8/14)
    BEC - 66 (2/27/13), 73 (4/21/14)

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  • #460379

    I called to check in on my first application and emailed to check on the second, and they were able to give me a pretty accurate time frame both times (Oregon). 2 weeks is a sufficient amount of time to wait without hearing anything, so I think it wouldn't hurt to either call or email tomorrow, especially since (at least here) spots are quickly filling up at the testing center and scheduling ASAP would be ideal. Good luck!


    I called to check in on my first application and emailed to check on the second, and they were able to give me a pretty accurate time frame both times (Oregon). 2 weeks is a sufficient amount of time to wait without hearing anything, so I think it wouldn't hurt to either call or email tomorrow, especially since (at least here) spots are quickly filling up at the testing center and scheduling ASAP would be ideal. Good luck!


    Assuming you're a first time applicant and not re-taking an exam, (in Arizona) it takes bout 45 days from when they get the application. The Board's website probably has info on expected turnaround, but I'd say prepare to wait longer lol

    Licensed in Arizona


    Assuming you're a first time applicant and not re-taking an exam, (in Arizona) it takes bout 45 days from when they get the application. The Board's website probably has info on expected turnaround, but I'd say prepare to wait longer lol

    Licensed in Arizona


    My first application only took a week from the time they got my transcript, and that was during one of the busier times of the year for them (in June, when all new graduates are applying to take exams during the summer). I had my application in a couple weeks before my final transcripts were available. My second application took about 3 weeks. All states are different obviously, never hurts to ask, if nothing else, just to get an idea of how much longer you're going to have to wait.


    My first application only took a week from the time they got my transcript, and that was during one of the busier times of the year for them (in June, when all new graduates are applying to take exams during the summer). I had my application in a couple weeks before my final transcripts were available. My second application took about 3 weeks. All states are different obviously, never hurts to ask, if nothing else, just to get an idea of how much longer you're going to have to wait.


    Okay, thanks guys. I am in Oregon and this isn't my first application. Yeah, I think I should call them tomorrow. I have nothing else to do. I am somewhat worried though. It might be the picture that was attached to the application, but I used the same method before (not the same picture). Hmmm, we shall see. I'm just can't stand this waiting and waiting and waiting! XD

    FAR - 62 (10/2/13), 50 (5/30/14)
    AUD - 73 (10/30/13), 66 (5/6/14)
    REG - 69 (4/8/14)
    BEC - 66 (2/27/13), 73 (4/21/14)


    Okay, thanks guys. I am in Oregon and this isn't my first application. Yeah, I think I should call them tomorrow. I have nothing else to do. I am somewhat worried though. It might be the picture that was attached to the application, but I used the same method before (not the same picture). Hmmm, we shall see. I'm just can't stand this waiting and waiting and waiting! XD

    FAR - 62 (10/2/13), 50 (5/30/14)
    AUD - 73 (10/30/13), 66 (5/6/14)
    REG - 69 (4/8/14)
    BEC - 66 (2/27/13), 73 (4/21/14)


    It took 2 months for them to process mine.

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    It took 2 months for them to process mine.

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    I emailed CBA when I had questions. I was pleased to receive replies within a short period of time.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    I emailed CBA when I had questions. I was pleased to receive replies within a short period of time.

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    In KY, it took 2-3 months for them to process my first application (I still think they lost it somewhere! lol), but after that, it just took a few days to get applications processed for my next tests. Sounds like Oregon is good about getting answers to people, though, so I”d definitely say “call them”!


    In KY, it took 2-3 months for them to process my first application (I still think they lost it somewhere! lol), but after that, it just took a few days to get applications processed for my next tests. Sounds like Oregon is good about getting answers to people, though, so I”d definitely say “call them”!

    NC CPA

    Wow guys!!! I guess then NC Board of accountancy is the fastest to respond. I applied for all four exams before graduation and my application and nts was emailed to me the next business day with a condition that I have to submit the final transcript within 120 days of graduation.!!!!!!

    FAR: 90 MAY 6 2013
    AUD: 99 MAY 29 2013
    REG: 84 July 1 2013
    BEC: 85 July 31 2013

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