What do you on score release day/who do you tell - Page 2

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  • #192529

    So this isnt my rodeo with score release day but the more times I fail the harder it is to have to tell people you failed. My one roommate is the worst because i’ll text them I failed and she will still proceed to knock on my door or text me on how I did. I’m also in a netowrking training on tuesday with a bunch of accountants and i’m going to be either super depressed i failed, or crying with joy because i’m finally done.

    Do you guys just not say anything to anyone or do you have a laundry list of people you have to tell pass or fail.

    REG - 63,74,70,81!!!
    FAR - 44,73, 81!!!!
    AUD - 51,81!
    BEC - 73,77!!

    3 years later and I'm officially done. Never give up no matter what!

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  • #653618

    I'm not sure what to do – I am waiting on my last one too! I know myself that no matter how I look at it, I won't be able to sleep. If I wait until the morning, I will still wake up in the middle of the night wanting to check it. If I check and pass I won't be able to sleep because I'm too excited and if I fail, I will be too upset. No matter what, Tuesday is going to be a long day!

    REG - 86 (May 2014)
    AUD - 83 (July 2014)
    BEC - 81 (October 2014)
    FAR - 81 (February 2015)


    Waiting on my last as well … I am completely useless now … I will take a xanax though Mon nite because I need sleep adn regardless of the outcome I won't sleep well after

    Maddie P

    @mamabear IMO “Airing Your Dirty Laundry” means sharing private issues/conflicts with people who aren't affected by it. Thats why I share my news with people it directly affects (SO, Parents)

    @brooke32276 hooray for #teamxanax

    B-passed! (4/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (3/2015)
    A-passed! (2/2014)
    R-passed! (8/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (6/2015)
    F-Passed! (4/2015)

    The Great Lakes State
    Using Wiley/CPAExcel


    I only had one night release before I was finished with the exam. I slept for a couple of hours with intentions of sleeping all night and checking my score in the morning. I woke up at midnight and couldn't go back to sleep. The scores rolled in around 2 a.m. My husband was still up because he is a night owl and we ate cake, then I got on the forum until 6:00, when I started getting ready for work. If I had failed that entire scenario would have been different. There would have been lots of crying and moping, but I still wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    I should note that the hubs gets up at 530 so I will be bright eyed and bushy tailed not too long after the release …LOL seriously though … When I got my Reg score in Feb I was shaking so much from the adrenaline in my system LOL this time I am running after to get rid of it regardless of the score


    @Maddie–I agree with you about sharing issues and conflicts with people that aren't involved, but passing the CPA is an accomplishment and a cause for celebration. I loved sharing that with the friends and family that I haven't seen in a long time. It doesn't necessarily affect any of them aside from being happy for me just like they would if announced the birth of my child, but it could be motivational and inspiring to people. I understand what you're saying though and I hope all of you post on the forum and that you have great news. So many of you are on your last test and it's the hardest wait, but the most rewarding one! Good luck guys!!

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!

    Laura M.

    I am SO nervous about this score release! It is horrible. Everyone keeps asking and I kept saying “mid march” so no one would ask me on the actual date so I could either tell them (if I passed) or figure out how to tell them on my own time, if I failed. Now, at work, they have asked for the actual date and numerous people have said “oh I am putting it on my calendar…” Gee thanks! No pressure here!

    This is a horrible attitude to have, but I feel like this journey has been so long and exhausting that there is NO way it can actually be over (which it will if I pass) but I am trying to stay positive and think that I did pass too!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ

    Laura M.

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ

    Maddie P

    @mamabear when I pass, I do everything short of stand on the roof of my house and yell “I passed”. When I fail I'm extremely embarrassed and don't really want to flaunt my failures.

    B-passed! (4/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (3/2015)
    A-passed! (2/2014)
    R-passed! (8/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (6/2015)
    F-Passed! (4/2015)

    The Great Lakes State
    Using Wiley/CPAExcel


    my parents, every day friends, and work or school friends always know when I am expecting score. The only people I tell first are my every day friends and parents. I don't say anything to my work and school friends unless they ask because I don't want to sound like I am bragging and don't want other people who did not pass to feel bad.

    Maddie P

    @cpasucks23 If I passed, I wouldn't care about “making people feel bad”. I busted my butt for that score!

    B-passed! (4/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (3/2015)
    A-passed! (2/2014)
    R-passed! (8/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (6/2015)
    F-Passed! (4/2015)

    The Great Lakes State
    Using Wiley/CPAExcel


    My kids, my current boss and my recruiters. and I'll post it here in I passed thread. That is if I pass. And maybe get a T-shirt printed “I passed CPA” 😉

    OR Drink up some benadryl and sleep off the grief, if the result is otherwise.


    If i pass you better believe I will be walking up and down the streets screaming I passed. Its the failing part thats the worst when everyone wants to hear your score. I had this talk with my friends you fail once and people go “Don't worry you will get it next time” then you fail and again and its like uhhh now what do you say. The pressure is even worse when its your last exam.

    REG - 63,74,70,81!!!
    FAR - 44,73, 81!!!!
    AUD - 51,81!
    BEC - 73,77!!

    3 years later and I'm officially done. Never give up no matter what!

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