What do you on score release day/who do you tell

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  • #192529

    So this isnt my rodeo with score release day but the more times I fail the harder it is to have to tell people you failed. My one roommate is the worst because i’ll text them I failed and she will still proceed to knock on my door or text me on how I did. I’m also in a netowrking training on tuesday with a bunch of accountants and i’m going to be either super depressed i failed, or crying with joy because i’m finally done.

    Do you guys just not say anything to anyone or do you have a laundry list of people you have to tell pass or fail.

    REG - 63,74,70,81!!!
    FAR - 44,73, 81!!!!
    AUD - 51,81!
    BEC - 73,77!!

    3 years later and I'm officially done. Never give up no matter what!

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  • #653603

    Well, Tuesday will be my first rodeo so I am not yet sure what I plan to do. I imagine I'll either get to share my excitement or just say I'll be retaking it in April. Thankfully, the short list of people who know I sat are super supportive and I don't have any real concerns with reactions to me failing.

    BEC - 02/21/15 - 82
    FAR - 05/29/15 - 82
    AUD - 07/09/15 - 93
    REG - 11/14/15 - 80

    All done!!!


    everyone and their mom


    I usually tell my boyfriend, my family, and a couple of my girlfriends. They are all supportive and know how hard I've been studying. So if I fail they just tell me it's ok I'll get it next time and to keep studying. My previous fails were all attributed to not giving the exam the time it deserves. This exam isn't about smart/stupid it's about dedication and genuinely studying. You can't half ass and hope for the best then be upset when you fail. Good luck


    First, I will be setting my alarm for 2 am on Tuesday morning to get this over with. I will be screaming and wake up the entire house if I passed my final exam. I will also stop and get donuts for work and put a note that I passed, make a ridiculous amount of phone calls. However, I will only tell those who know about it if I failed, and get extremely mad at FAR. I would vow to demolish the exam with every last piece of my soul.

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!


    I hate that the score release is around 2 am now. I take a sleepying pill that way when I wake up to check i'm so drowsy i can fall back to sleep or else if its a fail i just toss and turn all night. Add on now i have to be up at 6 to catch a train into the city this day is either goign to be the worst day in my life or the best day in my life.

    REG - 63,74,70,81!!!
    FAR - 44,73, 81!!!!
    AUD - 51,81!
    BEC - 73,77!!

    3 years later and I'm officially done. Never give up no matter what!


    I tell my husband, call my parents, and text my brother, boss, and best friend. Then I post passes on Facebook. 🙂 I tell my kids too, but they are little and don't really understand what it means except that mommy isn't going to have to study and they don't get to have as many sleepovers at Nana and Papa's house.

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    I stayed up and waited last time for my REG score. When I found out that I passed, I went nuts and woke my husband up with the good news. He was excited, but as one would imagine, sleepy. So he didnt give my passing grade the level of excitment it truly deserved. I've prepped him for this time around. Had I failed, I would have closed my computer and went to sleep. No need to wake him up for a failing grade.

    Maddie P

    Honestly, since score release has been done at 1am (EST) the last few times, I take a Xanax the night before, or else I'd never be able to sleep. That way when I wake up and see my score, if I fail I dont have a complete meltdown and can go to work. Better living through big pharm.

    As far as telling people, I tell people in my close circle (SO, parents, work husband, etc) but other than that, I only tell people if they ask. I don't like airing my dirty laundry.

    B-passed! (4/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (3/2015)
    A-passed! (2/2014)
    R-passed! (8/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (6/2015)
    F-Passed! (4/2015)

    The Great Lakes State
    Using Wiley/CPAExcel


    My close friends and family know I'll get my score next week so they'll be asking. Some of my work friends are also aware that this is my last section so I'll have to let them know too. I'm expecting the worst but hoping to be surprised.

    I'll probably stay up late Monday night to try to get the score. Probably won't get much sleep that night either way.


    I tell my parents, my performance coach at work, the HR person (bc, you know, where the promotions happen), and that's it. Otherwise I don't tell anyone else.

    My friends will know that I'm MIA while I'm studying, but once I reappear there are so many other things we talk about and catch up on rather than talk about my boring “test” (as they refer to it).

    I'm glad I'm not in a NASBA state, I just sleep soundly and know that at 6am ish, my scores are up.

    BEC - PASS (79)
    AUD - PASS (63, 71, 74, 74, 83)
    REG - PASS (88)
    FAR - PASS (58, 89)

    Becker for all + FAR 10 Point Combo


    Is it Monday night or Tuesday morning. Meaning 9th Night ?

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed

    Maddie P

    @willpassby2014 1am (EST) on Tuesday the 10th.

    B-passed! (4/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (3/2015)
    A-passed! (2/2014)
    R-passed! (8/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (6/2015)
    F-Passed! (4/2015)

    The Great Lakes State
    Using Wiley/CPAExcel


    I hate the whole “score release at night” thing….last time I woke up in the middle of the night, checked the forums here to see people posting, and checked nervously…only to see the dreaded 74. Slept like shit the rest of the night and felt even worse at work the next morning. I'd rather know at 5pm so at least if I fail I can head to the nearest bar and drink my sorrows away.

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015

    Maddie P

    @shankysays I did the same thing too! Except I woke up at 3 am after I dreamed I passed. I refused to check until my normal wakeup time because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep…good or bad news.

    B-passed! (4/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (3/2015)
    A-passed! (2/2014)
    R-passed! (8/2013). Lost Credit. Passed again (6/2015)
    F-Passed! (4/2015)

    The Great Lakes State
    Using Wiley/CPAExcel


    @Maddie–Telling people whether or not you passed the CPA equates to “airing your dirty laundry”??

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!

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