Weird test center question?

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  • #178569

    Ok, just got done taking AUD. Before the exam, I turned off my ringer but forgot about an alarm. Totally my bad, should have just turned off the phone.

    So an alarm goes off. A staff member comes into the testing room and asks for my locker key. I say, sheepishly and quietly, ok, here you go. She comes back with it a couple minutes later and I assume the situation is resolved. I feel bad.

    Maybe ten minutes later, she comes back and tells me I need to come turn off my phone. I get a little weirded out because I’m not between teslets, so I’m not sure if I should. But I do, leaving my screen up to go turn off my phone. It’s barely audible, not something you can hear in the testing room, which made me breathe a sigh of relief since it most likely wasn’t bothering anyone. I hope.

    My questions are these: did I accidentally violate a rule in leaving my computer here? Is there a set procedure for this sort of thing, where a candidate leaves a phone on accidentally? Do they normally try to do it themselves before getting the candidate to come do it? All I know is I’m leaving my phone at home next time so I don’t accidentally disturb anyone.

    REG: Pass
    BEC: Pass
    AUD: Pass
    FAR: August 2013

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  • #425261

    Yeah I always left mine in my car. Anyways, I've heard on here before that the center can fill out an incident report, but if the proctor didn't mention that, maybe they're just lazy, nothing will be filled out and nobody will ever know. The spirit of the rule is to prevent people from taking breaks mid-testlet to search for answers, so turning off your phone mid-testlet as requested by the proctor doesn't seem violate the spirit of the no breaks mid-testlet rule.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Thanks, acamp. And you're probably right that it doesn't really violate the spirit of the rule. Still, the whole thing felt a little oddball to me. The staff member who'd pulled me out was gone, either on break or just for the day, by the time I'd finished, so I asked another staff member about the procedure for that and what it means that the test says no leaving the testing room without an authorized break and without the break screen up. She told me that the testing area extended out into the hallway and into all the public areas of the floor–which I'm still not sure answered my question, since she was talking about the area (?) and I was talking about leaving the room itself?

    I think I'll just call Prometric for my own clarification. I probably misunderstood something somewhere. Phone's still staying at home from now on though.

    REG: Pass
    BEC: Pass
    AUD: Pass
    FAR: August 2013

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