Virginia Board revealing score early?

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  • #189152

    For any Virginia candidates who know what I am referencing:

    If you log in to the Virginia Board website and access your “checklist” you’ll notice the area where it says, “passed BEC,” “passed FAR,” etc. When NASBA releases the scores, if you passed, the box fills in with the date you passed. Here’s my conspiracy theory:

    I’ve noticed that after I take an exam, about two days after my date at prometric, my box fills in beside the exam with a clerk’s signature. No date will be in the box beside “passed FAR” but it definitely appears as if someone received something, maybe a score, and accessed my file and put something in there. This has happened to me for my prior two attempts that were both passing scores. It has happened again following my latest exam on Saturday. I guess the only way to check this is if I failed on Saturday then my theory would be negated.

    Anybody else from Virginia know what I am talking about?

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.

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  • Author
  • #611876
    Mary 2496

    Interesting …. even though I am in Ohio. I wonder if I have a checklist feature too. Not seeing it offhand. Mind sharing where the checklist is, once you log in?


    After you log in, bottom of first page. “view checklist”

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.

    Mary 2496

    @ Lion – thanks. It must be different for Ohio. I don't have the checklist. Just thought maybe we did so I could see what the OP was seeing.


    NASBA doesn't even have your scores so its not possible that they're revealing anything because they simply don't have that information at this time.

    However NASBA does get notified by prometric the day or the day after you sit, so what you're seeing is likely a confirmation of attendance.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Exactly, what you are seeing is the confirmation of attendance.


    Mine shows Ms. Charity's name as well… here's to hoping your conspiracy is true ; )

    FAR--(5/27/14) 90
    REG--(8/11/14) 90
    AUD--(10/1/14) 88
    BEC--(11/24/14) 89 Done!!
    Virginia CPA License (12/24/14)

    100% Becker CPA Self-Study

    CISA (2010) CISSP (2012)


    I'm still skeptical because I don't think an office clerk at the state board would take the time to simply mark down attendance in every individual's file after they attend, but I have no idea, maybe they do.

    I'm curious if any VA candidate has seen the same pattern but failed a section, that would clear it up.

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.


    Right but the only group that has your score right now is the AICPA. NASBA doesn't know your score, they can't get it early, The AICPA releases all the scores to NASBA at once.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Trust me, I have failed plenty of times with my atrendence written down LOL.


    ^ okay, I'll take it at that.

    Kudos to the displayed hustle at the Virginia Board.

    BEC - 78
    AUD - 75
    REG - 74, 79
    FAR - 75

    You have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.


    Just so you have verification from a fellow Virginia candidate, I always have Mary's name (or Nick's, depending on the month) appear on my checklist within a few days of taking an exam. This was the case in August and I ended up failing FAR, so it's definitely just a confirmation of attendance that they're receiving and displaying.

    I'm just glad we can check our scores on release date with NASBA. I don't know if it's just been my experience or if it's common for Virginia candidates but my exam status usually isn't updated on the VBOA website until nearly a week after I retrieve my score from NASBA.


    what you're talking about is what we called “va loophole” back in da day. someone thought the same thing but it was wrong. however, think there was an ohio loophole that was actually true but forgot how it worked. so long ago but sure you can search it on this site

    va used to be a non nasba state and we would get our scores a couple of days after nasba states did. about 3 years or so ago va became a nasba state thank god

    scores go from aicpa to nasba to state boa




    The Ohio loophole, remember it fondly but it never worked for me. Still had to wait for the day AICPA released to NASBA but it could be the difference between getting a score at 7pm or midnight.

    After the scores were released but not yet posted on the NASBA website, you could try to register for that section in Ohio. If it let you register, you had failed. If it blocked you, you had passed.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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