Texas scheduling Exam question

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  • #176473

    So for the exam in Texas our NTS lasts 90 days. Can we have more than one NTS for the same time period? For example I want to schedule an exam in April, can I apply to schedule another exam in May later on after I make up my mind?

    FAR 92
    AUD 99
    REG 94

    Becker Self-Study, Wiley Test Bank

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  • #401960

    @ NikkiSkupnjak – When you apply for another section at a separate time, then you will get a second NTS I believe. For example, if you applied for an exam in April and paid the eligibility fee and exam fee and it gave you a NTS, and you want to take another section in May, you will apply for that section and pay and it will send you a second NTS with a differetn NTS number. It won't be added to the first NTS. You cannot get 2 NTS's for the same section. If, however, you applied for lets say FAR and REG at the same time and paid the eligibility fees/exam fees at the same time, then both of those sections would show up on the same NTS.


    Okay that makes sense, thank you!

    FAR 92
    AUD 99
    REG 94

    Becker Self-Study, Wiley Test Bank

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