Testing in March 1st week

  • This topic has 13 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #192376

    I was reaaaally hoping this was going to be an option because of all the weather conditions and all. Looks like NASBA is not budging at all with allowing testing for the 1st week of March. Sigh*

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  • #649133

    You likely won't see an announcement if they do open up March dates.

    The only way to know is if you can go to the prometric site and register for an exam the first week of March.


    I was really hoping they'd open it up. I checked Prometric multiple times a day, different locations. No luck 🙁

    CPA (MA, Non-Reporting)

    The difference in winning & losing is most often, not quitting - Walt Disney

    B - 33, 71, 79!
    A - 32, 61, 70, 83!
    R - 33, 58, 73, 69, 81!
    F - 47, 78! 🙂
    After 3 long years, I'm finally DONE!
    I could not have done it without NINJA MCQs.

    Used: Roger for his Videos, WTB, and NINJA Audio, Notes and Test Bank.


    I talked to someone at prometric last night because I was supposed to take FAR today and my location is closed. They said they would call me back today once their “specialists” are there (I guess it was too late last night) and let me know if they will be opening up any dates the first week of March.

    If they do, it will still be considered as testing in Q1 right? I just want to be sure as I lose credit for AUD in May and this is my last exam and I really wanted two more chances at it. I definitely don't want to take it next week and then not be able to retake it in May if needed.


    Jess, it will be considered part of Q1.

    Keep checking the schedule!

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    The prometric center in my area now has March dates open through March 7th…I would check again!


    They wait until less than a week before the end of the quarter to open spots up. So if you reschedule to gain an extra few days you pay a hefty price. They're not stupid WE ARE! LOL


    I was just able to reschedule for March 7th due to Prometric being closed due to weather. I was directed to NASB from my state board.

    @CPA8488, since it was a cancellation due to weather I did not have to pay the reschedule fee.

    Good luck to all.


    Glad to hear it will be part of Q1 because I am not even close to being prepared with it being busy season and would definitely have put it off until May if it were my last chance.

    I was able to reschedule for Saturday, March 7th.

    CPA8488, I beleive the reason they extended is for people like me whose test was cancelled due to weather (although where I am the roads are completely clear so I have no idea why they closed). Did they extend everywhere just to be fair or something?


    Still don't understand why blackout months are still needed :-/


    I think they did extend everywhere just to be fair. But you have to pay a rescheduling fee. However, if Prometric center was closed on the actual date of your exam than you can reschedule without a fee. My point was they waited until now to open spots up so if you rescheduled you pay a bigger fee. A week before your exam the fee is much smaller…. But no they just decided “last minute” lol. Just like the thanksgiving holiday and not open up spots in December. And then what do you know.. At the last minute spots opened up in December. I'm just going to take my exam tomorrow and call it a day I don't think a week will make or break me. -end rant 🙂


    @cpa8488 Buuuuuuut, If you feel like “man, if I only had 1 more day to re-review this section I'd guarantee a passing score”, then I would reschedule it, even if just to push it for 3 days.

    BEC - PASS (79)
    AUD - PASS (63, 71, 74, 74, 83)
    REG - PASS (88)
    FAR - PASS (58, 89)

    Becker for all + FAR 10 Point Combo


    my exam is later in the day… actually in 4 hours.. think i can reschedule!?


    Also, if I reschedule for 3/7 I doubt my score will come out by the cut off 3/10 I would have to wait till the score release after which is end of March I think. I don't want to wait that long to find out and I have been mentally preparing to take it tomorrow so I think I'm going to stick to that decision. My dad said not to reschedule he has already said to many prayers lol

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