test center setup…

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  • #176454

    Do all the test centers have the same setup? Meaning small/square monitors, huge fonts, open area with cubicles…etc?

    I’ve been to the Queens Blvd one in New York and the place is pretty horrendous…

    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    REG - 8/22/2013

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  • #401897

    Yes..unless there is construction going on outside…

    AUD: TBA-
    FAR Done
    BEC Done

    NINJA for AUD


    Or a person taking the bus driver exam and farting.


    I have two test centers within an hour from me and the one only has 4 stations so I always try to go to that one. It is nice to not have so many people in their typing away though their walls are very thin so you tend to hear outside noise.


    @Jeff – is that a hypothetical scenario, or are you speaking from experience? : )



    AUD: TBA-
    FAR Done
    BEC Done

    NINJA for AUD


    I really laughed, when I read Jeff's post.

    FAR - Bad Fail '11, Fail '12, Fail '13, PASS It's a miracle!
    AUD - Fail, PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BEC - PASS!!!!!!!!
    REG - PASS!!!!!!!! And I'm done!


    I encountered a LOUD AND REPETITIVE FARTER at Prometric on Monday!!!!! Luckily I was on my last 30 minutes of Audit and didn't have to endure for very long, but 30 minutes of some dude stinking up the joint with Taco Bell fumes is long enough!!!! Why don't people use common sense about what they eat before they take a high pressure standardized test?!?!? Other than THAT guy, my center is usually very comfortable and clean!

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    I don't know if he was taking the bus driver exam per se, but he looked the part and was definitely carpet bombing the place.


    Maybe he was taking a test to get his pilot's license. . . . .or at least that's what I thought you needed to be a cropduster.


    I also liked the fact that in Brooklyn, NY there was a speaker test going on for about 2,5 hrs during my exam!

    Unfortuneately you could also hear the biiiiieeep and ringggggs even with earplugs on…. wahhhhhh


    I've tested at several different centers in several states, and I haven't really had an issue with any of them, until they closed the one that was closest to me and replaced it with one a little farther. The problem isn't so much the extra distance from home, it's the MORON'S they hired to staff it! The staff makes a huge difference in your testing experience. But Saturday I had something that I've never encountered before. The guy next to me smelled like he hadn't had a bath in about a month! By the end of the exam, I thought I was going to throw up. I really just wanted to give him my dry tissues and balls of snot like substance to clean himself with, but that would have been rude! He didn't fart or anything. The guy just really needed a bath! I think a farter would have been worse!


    Wow guess my experience wasn't bad at all then. This dude made a loud cough every 20 seconds (yes I timed it) for 2 hours… I had to put on both earplugs and headphones. Glad he was gone when I started my SIMs…phew.

    And did I mention my test center has the rudest staffs of all time? Gee.

    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    REG - 8/22/2013

    Lari Sa

    I usually text on Queens Blvd also, its actually better than the other places by us. But the staff is def not the best, they can be pretty rude…

    AUD 85 (11.10 - expired), 0 (2.13), 82* (5.13)
    BEC 49 (5.09), 38 (5.11), 75* (10.11)
    REG 65 (2.11), 74 (11.11), 0 (2.12), 81* (4.12)
    FAR 67 (5.12), 73 (12.12), 78* (2.13)

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