Should I apply when transcript becomes available?

  • Creator
  • #193625
    loves winter

    I’m first time applicant and I’m taking Audit class now so I become eligible at the end of May when this semester ends.

    I want to know if :

    1. I should apply now (beginning of May) for the exam and request my transcript to be sent as soon as it is available (end of May, probably beginning of June), or

    2. wait and apply when the transcript becomes available (end of May)

    because I’m little anxious about getting Jul/Aug window since I’m planning to take FAR and AUD during this window.

    Reading other threads give me a sense that it is actually better to apply when everything becomes available instead of things scattered around.

    I’m in NY.

    Which one do you guys recommend me to do?

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  • Author
  • #663454

    If they get it before you degree is listed they will reject your application. I would wait until the end of May to apply.

    My friend applied before her degree posted and they rejected her so. the bad thing is she waited for a long time to get the rejection, I think they send it in the mail, but not sure.

    If you apply now and for some reason the school releases the transcript and you are rejected, it may take longer to reapply and get an answer than if you just waited.


    You should probably check your state's requirements In Texas, you can send in an application of intent during your last semester of school or, if you already have a degree and are taking extra classes to get to 150, while you are completing the extra coursework. You send your current transcript, and they will begin your background check and whatever other things they do and will even approve you to begin taking the exam if they verify that you actually are very close to completing the educational requirements. Of course even if you pass all 4 sections before you finish your courses, you won't get your license until you complete them and submit final transcripts. So yeah, check NY's requirements for how soon you are able to apply.

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