Score Reports & Frustration

  • Creator
  • #182346
    art vandalay

    Why can’t the AICPA give you a breakdown of your score results? The report they give you is pretty useless. I thought I did great on the AUD MC, and felt pretty good about the SIMS. A couple of questions I even checked after the exam that I thought I got wrong but actually got them right. Then WHAM! I got a 62. So frustrating. I want to know exactly how I got that score. What are we paying all these fees for anyways, to say weak comparable or strong? Sorry just needed to vent a little. I am looking to retake in Mid-January before busy season really gets rolling.

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  • Author
  • #485860

    In an ideal universe, we'd be able to get a copy of our exam with which ones we got wrong marked.


    In an ideal universe, we'd be able to get a copy of our exam with which ones we got wrong marked.


    @ Ntw6817

    That would be wonderful!!!

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    @ Ntw6817

    That would be wonderful!!!

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt

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