Scheduling for Exam Tip

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  • #192739

    Hi, I need some tip on scheduling for an exam.

    I’ve just received an approval from California Board of Accountancy (CBA) and I can now select exams to be taken on their website.

    Here are the questions.

    Q1.If I select just one exam (FAR, REG, AUD, or BEC), does that mean I need to go through the CBA, NASBA, and NTS application process, all over again for other three exams?

    Q2. Is it smarter to select all four exams and schedule at once? Would it save me money?

    Q3. Any other tips on exam scheduling for someone who want to finish the exam within 6 months while considering the possibility of me failing first (or may be second) attempt?

    I heard that taking exam on monday is recommended as you get whole two free days (especially if you have work). Also, my rationale tells me that taking exam at the end of each testing window is best so that you can take second attempt as soon as possible. Is this true to your experiences?

    I searched the forum but I really couldn’t find appropriate answers…

    Thank you.

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  • #657082

    Apply for one NTS at a time. The date the State Board approves your NTS is the start of 6-month countdown to sit for that section.


    CA NTS last 9 months (we're lucky in that respect).

    If you think you'll pass all 4 in 6 months,then sign up for all 4 now.

    The only money it'll save is $25 per NTS. But it will save 2-3 weeks of waiting for the CBA to get your $25 and form.

    Just remember that if you sign up for all 4 and can't take all 4 within the 9 months, then you waste $25 + the AICPA fee for the tests you don't take (I forget how much they are, but do believe FAR is the most expensive, almost $200.)

    CPA (MA, Non-Reporting)

    The difference in winning & losing is most often, not quitting - Walt Disney

    B - 33, 71, 79!
    A - 32, 61, 70, 83!
    R - 33, 58, 73, 69, 81!
    F - 47, 78! 🙂
    After 3 long years, I'm finally DONE!
    I could not have done it without NINJA MCQs.

    Used: Roger for his Videos, WTB, and NINJA Audio, Notes and Test Bank.


    thank you all for the helpful info!

    Things are much more clear now. I don't know why they have to make the exam taking procedure so complicated..

    What do you guys think about my thought on taking the exam at the end of testing window?

    For example, I schedule an exam on May 30th and see if I pass the test or not and if I didn't pass, I sign up for a second trial exam on July 1.

    If you have a different great exam scheduling strategy, I'd love to hear those. It could probably help other guys too.


    @fyun89 I would say apply for one NTS at a time, apply for all 4 at once may put pressure on you to do the exam even if you are not readybecause you have already paid.

    The only strategy I have is the time it takes to get my results. I don't like to wait so I usually schedule on the cut off date so I get my result is approximately 10 days. Depending on how you schedule you may have to wait 3 weeks and even a month.

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