Roofing during exam

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  • #194182

    I sat for BEC yesterday. They were doing roofing on the Prometric building. I heard banging, workers talking, and workers stomping overhead for the first 2 hours of the test. I jumped out of my seat several times from them throwing some sort of object around. It was so hard to concentrate through all of that noise. I spent a lot of time studying and a lot of money to sit for that exam and I think the environment was unacceptable. I’m debating if I should file a complaint to NASBA, Prometric, or both. I just can’t believe they allow tests to go on when they know there will be construction at the same time. Just needed to vent…..

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  • #666503

    Not sure there is anything NASBA can do about it, I am sure prometric rents space and has no control over when their landlord does construction. That said they should give candidates the option of rescheduling but candidates will complain either way I'd just let prometric know. And I'd bring soft ear plugs to every exam.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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