Reg expiring on 2015-06-30 !!!!

  • Creator
  • #192016

    My regulation credit is expiring on June 30 2015. Can I sit for exam on May 31st 2015. I am left with FAR and sitting on 21st FEBbut in case I dont clear it what is the last date I can reschedule it in April-May testing window.

    REG 78
    BEC 75
    AUD 84
    FAR 82

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  • Author
  • #647306

    Yes, you should be able to sit for it on May 31st.

    FAR - ✓
    AUD - ✓
    REG - ✓
    BEC - ✓

    Don't give up!


    Let's say her REG credit expires 05/31/2015, sits for her very last test that day and gets a passing score later. Did she lose her REG credit?


    I think state boards may have various policies on when you need to receive your last exam credit to keep another from expiring. Seems like there has been a post in the past where a guy sit for his exam on time but since he didn't receive his score before his state board expiration date he lost credit…

    Or I could be making this all up. But it seems the general rule for all of these types of scenarios is… call your state board.


    I'm confused, 18 months from 6/30/15 would've been 12/30/13, which also would've been a closed window where it wouldn't have been possible to take an exam. Are you sure you have until 6/30/15 to take the test? Don't rely on what the NASBA site tells you because it might be wrong – it just gives you the last date of the quarter 18 months from when you passed, and not necessarily the date that is 18 months from when you took the test. You don't need to dig too far back in this forum to find examples of people who got burned relying on incorrect information from NASBA.

    As others have said I would follow up with your state board to confirm the last possible day you can take your exam.

    Participant this is for NYS. Contact your State Board for their definition of 18 month rolling window



    I gave my first exam on 2nd December 2013. But the Nasba site is says the credit will expire on june 30th 2015.

    If we go by 18 month rule, it will get over by june 2nd 2015, in that scenario assuming the 18 month period will get over by june 2nd, Can I take the exam on 31st May 2015?

    I am giving exam from Massachusetts. Anyone from MA state here who can advise me?

    REG 78
    BEC 75
    AUD 84
    FAR 82


    I would contact the MA state board. I have a similar situation in TX and contacted the board. They explained it very well.


    @CTM What did the TX state board say?

    FAR - ✓
    AUD - ✓
    REG - ✓
    BEC - ✓

    Don't give up!


    Hey…looking for some advice here. Got an AUD credit expiring in two weeks. REG is passed, but expires November 30. Took FAR again today for the second time and almost certain I failed – MCQs and sims were way worse than last time. BEC is scheduled for end of February. This will be my third attempt at BEC.

    Now I am feeling pretty nervous that I won't be able to adequately prepare for BEC in only two weeks. Do I chance that I passed FAR and try to squeeze it in so I can be licensed? If I don't am by some miracle I passed FAR, I'll never forgive myself. If I fail either FAR or BEC, I'll lose the AUD credit. But given the short window I have for BEC, I could fail both.

    Any advice?


    @fightingforsanity, In TX they put a hold on the credit that is expiring as long as you test before the expiration date. My BEC credit expires in early June so they told me that as long as I sit before that, which could be as late as May 31, they will hold my BEC credit. If I pass then I am finished. If I fail then I lose BEC.


    @CTM Thanks for letting me know!

    FAR - ✓
    AUD - ✓
    REG - ✓
    BEC - ✓

    Don't give up!

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