Re-applying for Expiring AUD Section Before Receiving REG Score

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  • #195432

    I took REG yesterday and definitely think there’s a good chance I did not pass. My AUD score expires this week (7/16/15) and I am wondering if I can reapply for AUD before receiving my REG score. My concern is that if I wait until the 8/4 score release, I won’t have enough time to get my NTS in time to re-schedule AUD during the August testing window.

    I’m obviously hoping for the best with REG, but want to be prepared in case I did not pass. Best case scenario, I passed REG and I’m out $50 for the application fee. Worst case scenario, I failed REG but I can take AUD at the end of August.

    I’m going to contact my state board, but I figured I’d stop by here too. Does anyone know if re-applying for AUD before receiving my REG score is possible?

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  • #682129

    You sure can! You just can't reapply for REG until about 24 hours after you receive your score for that section. You should be good to go for AUD though 🙂


    Thank you! Do you think it could hurt me in the end if i DO pass REG? I'm not sure how it would work on NASBA's end if I passed REG, but there was an outstanding application for AUD (which was already passed)?


    Naaa wont hurt you at all but you could probably let the know that you wont be taking audit so they can clear it out. That application will just expire and they will appreciate the free money. Its not 25 anymore?

    FAR. Feb 2014 76
    REG. Jan 2015 79 half way there!!
    BEC. Feb 2015 79 thank you God!!
    AUD. Apr 20, 2015 and will be done. Hold that thought 65, 7/14/15 85!
    Ok where was I? Oh thats right now I'm Done!!!!!!!!!
    Ethics 92!!

    "You down wit SEC?, yeah you know me!!!"

    Cali Candidate

    All Becker Materials, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja audio, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes

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