Prometrics Problem – Computer locked out, No exam

  • Creator
  • #189458

    So today I went to a prometrics center to take the exam, and after entering the launch code, there’s that rule page where you get about 10 minutes to read the rules. I stayed on that page for a while, preparing myself before the exam.. and before the allotted time was up, I had clicked “continue”. The computer was a bit slow, which I thought was normal, then before I knew it, the time was up, and a message popped up saying the exam was over and to reapply.

    The proctor couldn’t reset it because it looked like I waited until the time ran out, which was not the case. The proctor gave me the customer care email to NASBA, but I’m really worried that won’t be enough.

    Has this happened to anyone? I will be completely devastated if I have to wait until next testing window to take my exam.

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  • Author
  • #614102

    Sorry, but you did wait until the time ran out before clicking all the way through to enter the actual exam. It'll be pretty hard to argue that you proceeded through all the screens without delay. Your best bet is to try and make it seem like you tried to click but it was delayed and you waited 2-3 minutes. Then you tried to get help from staff but they didn't come until the remaining 7-8 minutes passed. I don't think they will be convinced, but good luck.

    Page 48

    “11. Once you enter your Launch Code, you must proceed through the subsequent introductory examination screens

    without delay. There is a 10-minute time limit to read and proceed through the introductory screens and, if the

    10-minute time limit is exceeded, the test session will automatically terminate and cannot be restarted. In this case,

    you must leave the test center, forfeit fees, reapply to test in the next test window, and receive a score of 0.”

    FAR - 08/08/14 - 93
    BEC - 08/28/14 - 95
    REG - 10/11/14 - 96
    AUD - 11/30/14 - 99


    From what you described, it sounds like you waited too long to work thru those introductory screens after entering your launch code.

    I personally think you're not going to have NASBA take any pity on you, and they will make you sign up again, pay the fees, and sit again for that part.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    @cpastudent22 How are you so sure you did not go over the 10 minute limit? Without any watches/clocks there would be no way to know for sure.

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