Prometric Testing Center Closures in the Northeast Due to Winter Storm Juno

  • Creator
  • #191622

    I have FAR scheduled for tomorrow, I just got an email from Prometric saying that my testing center will be closed due to inclement weather in the Northeast.

    When I go to the Prometric site to be rescheduled, it’s down for maintenance!

    Anyone else in the same boat?

    AUD- 93
    BEC- 81
    FAR- 1/26/2015
    REG- TBD

    CIA Exams Passed in March, 2014

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  • Author
  • #643280

    Not in the same boat but this is a pretty regular occurence around here in Jan/Feb. They'll call you to reschedule when they're open again (use the search function above and you'll see dozens of worried testers who have been thwarted by snowstorms).

    Stay safe, not sure why all the hype about this one, calling it historic and catastrophic on the news. I can only remember a handful of winters that we didn't get at least one 20+” storm.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Not sure, NYC is supposed to get the most snow ever recorded supposedly.

    I have to pass both FAR and REG by the end of February so this could royally screw me over if I can't reschedule for this week.

    AUD- 93
    BEC- 81
    FAR- 1/26/2015
    REG- TBD

    CIA Exams Passed in March, 2014


    I just made a post about this! I'm on the same boat you're on and it's very annoying man..

    FAR - (Let's not talk about that score)
    AUD - 77!
    REG - 70, 70
    BEC - 77!


    Oh I didn't see it. Now that I can reschedule, the only available slots this week at any testing centers in the area are 5:00pm or later….

    There's no way I'm going to perform well at 5pm, it's already dark here.

    AUD- 93
    BEC- 81
    FAR- 1/26/2015
    REG- TBD

    CIA Exams Passed in March, 2014

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