Prometric Site Closure on 12/10

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  • #2105937

    I just found out that my prometric center will be closed tomorrow 12/10 and I was scheduled to take my exam tomorrow afternoon. They have not sent an email about what to do but it is posted on the prometric website that the testing center will be closed. There is no number to call on Sunday’s. Has anyone ever had this happen to them on the last day of the testing window? I am guessing they won’t let us reschedule for this window so will I have to take it in January?

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  • Author
  • #2105982

    How/where do you see on the website if it is closed? Mine is scheduled for tomorrow also so I'm curious if the same will happen to me.


    This happen to me last year. They will not allow you to take the exam in this testing window. Maybe it will be a good thing, for me it was. I pass FAR in Q1.

    Good luck


    Yeah that's what I figured. I am just thankful that I was not trying to take REG. I guess I will try to look on the bright side and take advantage of the extra study time even though it cuts into my holiday break 🙁

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