Prometric Appointments

  • Creator
  • #191140

    Hey Guys,

    Here’s my situation. I need to take my exam Jan 5th, the testing center by me has that day available but at 12:30. I am very particular about my exams and like getting them done and over with first thing in the AM.

    Just curious if anyone has scheduled a time like 12:30 but arrived at the testing center at let’s say, 8:30 to see if they can take the exam if there is an open seat?

    Thanks for the advice guys.


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  • Author
  • #636878
    Determined CPA

    I like the 12:30 time. That's the slot I always try and get.

    I don't think anyone can give you this answer with 100% certainty but I do know that when I took audit there was a girl there that had a 12:30 slot and she showed up at 8:30 and they didn't take her early. In fact, they were a little behind that day and we didn't sit until 12:45.

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    I got to prometric 2 hours early to check in and the gal said I just start taking my tested if I wanted to so I did. They had plenty of room when I got there, but it was packed when I left.



    You could always call the center a day before to see if anyone cancelled for the 8:30 slot. That's too early to show for a 12:30 slot. They know how many people they are expecting and how many extra seats they may have due to cancellations. I wouldn't show up at 8:30 but you can call ahead or keep checking the site to see if anyone cancelled. Hope this helps

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    The last time I went to prometric I got there early and because the slots were full the guy couldn't let me take my test early. It really just depends on the people they have scheduled for that day. There has been times they let me take it when I walked in the door. I had one other time I told them if someone cancelled to let me know. So when he called me to remind me of my appointment he told me someone with an earlier slot had cancelled and if I wanted to come in early I could. Like everyone said, you may have to call them a day or two before and ask or just show up and hope they let you in.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I love afternoon appointments. But for whatever reason, my prometric always calls me (in the morning while I'm still asleep) to let me know I can come in early. So obnoxious. But yeah they always want me to come at least an hour early.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    For my last exam, I had a 6:00 pm time slot which was not my ideal at all, so I called to see if I could come in early and they said I could come in about 1:30 or 2. I then encountered car troubles, then more car troubles, then yet another round, so it ended up being almost 6:30 before I got there…however, in that situation, they were able to accommodate it, had I been able to get my car from here to there with me in it.

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