Potential to Lose a Credit is Looming! Help…

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  • #188711

    So without getting into the nitty gritty, I am going to lose my first credit (AUD) on November 30th if I do not pass my REG exam which I take (for the 6th time) on October 11th. I also have to retake FAR (for the 4th time), hopefully in November. I know right now its going to be tough to pass both before I potentially lose that first credit but my question to you fello ninjas is this:

    If I take my exam late November, lets say hypothetically November 24th. According to NASBA, exams taken after November 14th will be released in early December. So would I technically lose that credit if I actually had a passing score that I was waiting on? Has anyone experienced this? I planned on calling to get more information but I figured I would start here. Any insight on the topic would be greatly appreciated! I would like 5-6 weeks to prepare for FAR given the breadth of information to cover.

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  • #608258

    If your credit expires nov 30, you just need to have sat for FAR by November 30, even if you don't get the results until December. Good luck!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Oh great thanks for the reply! I appreciate it… That comes as a relief because I don't think I can have that quick of a turn around to sit for FAR again.


    I was in your position this quarter with AUD and BEC and my REG expiration looming. Try out the Ninja MCQ if you need some inexpensive fresh questions that's what helped me get over the hump. Good luck.

    REG - 78
    BEC - 74, 67, 69, 69, 70, 79
    FAR - 76
    AUD - 69, 69, 69, 74, 85

    Licensed Louisiana CPA

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein

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