Please help – Need to decide whether it makes sense to reschedule TONIGHT

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  • #188223

    Ok guys I need to ask for a little help here, and please bear with me on the details. I have REG scheduled for Sunday (8/31), and I know that I will not be ready by Sunday. There’s just no way around it. My NTS for REG expires on September 16th.

    Here is my question – would it make sense for me to let my REG NTS expire on Sept. 16th, immediately reapply for one, and try to sit at the beginning of October? I start work on September 22nd, so I would have a couple weeks of training before I take it at the beginning of October.

    I feel like if I go in and take it on Sunday, I will absolutely bomb it and it will destroy my confidence. As you can see from my signature, I have crammed quite a bit into Q3, and it looks like the 3 and a half weeks or so for REG is just not enough. I am completely exhausted from it, and I feel like that’s part of the issue.

    If anyone could give me a little advice on whether this is both a good idea and feasible I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

    On a side note, does anyone know if it’s possible to cancel an NTS so you can immediately apply for a new one (instead of waiting for it to expire)?

    Passed - 2014

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  • #590119

    Oh, come on man. By looking at your score, I believe you should give it a shot. Passing 2 exam in less in a month definitely give you lots of confidence already so what you need right now for REG is experience to see how this exam is and what you need to prepare IFFFF you have to retake. I bet 99/100 Ninja Cpa in this forum will tell you to go take the test too. I understand Confidence is good thing for these exam but I will take experience over my Confidence. :-))

    I will have AUD this Friday too so good luck. Since you have recently passed in this same window, is there any advice you can offer me to get ready for the next 30 hours to get myself ready for this Test my friend? Thank you so much.

    REG : 62, 67, 81. Tick- Expire 01/02/2016
    BEC : 72, 67,71,76. Tick Expire 10/25/2015
    AUD : 60, 62, 62, 74(8/30) - 10/1/2015 - oh geez
    FAR : 68, 64, 72(7/24) - 10/20/2015- oh geez

    I am WHINING...

    " Just take it without worrying about the 75. Man, that is not easy!"


    i would definately take it, if you bomb it, so what, you wont be the first or the last to fail an exam, you already paid for it, might as well go in and get a look at the exam. In my experience thus far, there is nothing that motivates you to study more than failing an exam. Both times I failed, I got pissed about it and hit the books, and look at the improvement that came along with that…

    if you dont take it, best case scenario, you pass in october… worst case you fail it in october and think “if i had taken it in august, i would have known what to expect”

    if you do take it, best case scenario, you pass it in august… worst case scenario, you get some clarity for october and you arent out any additional money than if you hadn't taken it…


    You don't feel ready, but a lot of people don't feel ready for FAR or REG and still pass. Your previous scores indicate that you might have even been a little “too ready”, so I would at least give it a shot. You'll know what to expect?

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015


    I guess it's just very disappointing because after passing two sections I know what “ready” feels like, and I'm nowhere near that. It's not that I'm just missing small details, I have a big hole in my knowledge on plenty of areas. Thanks dethnode, I guess that's true. I can at least do my best until Sunday and at least use it as exam experience. Very disappointing nonetheless, I have no clue how people do this stuff while working…

    @SacAccountant – I would focus on transaction cycles and all the audit procedures related to them, as well as remembering not to neglect reviews, compilations, and all the stuff related to non-historical financial information. It's easy to let the stuff that's “not” audit slip by

    Passed - 2014


    while working is not that bad, its while working and raising a 3 year old thats killing me… its very hard when your son says “daddy come hold me” and you have to reply, daddy has to study buddy… with any luck i will be done in 4 days….


    Damn yeah that makes this seem like nothing honestly. Well good luck man, I'll be pulling for ya on the 8th!

    Passed - 2014


    No way, you should give it a shot because even if you don't pass, you could reschedule it for early October. If you have already paid for the exam, why not go for it? You are clearly a great test taker and just give it your best shot.


    Yep, go for it, and nothing's lost bc you already paid for it! I get that way before my exams, too. Don't procrastinate & just knock it out!

    "Don't worry, beeeeee happy!"

    Unhappy with job, long distance boyfriend, not much studying:
    FAR- 66 [08/28/12] AUD- 61 [10/04/12] REG- 59 [11/28/12] BEC- 63 [01/11/13]
    Year off (from exams): Got new job, got married, moved, etc
    ✓ AUD- 79!!! 01/10/14 FIRST PASS!! WOOOO!!!
    ✓ REG- 73 02/27/14, 81 10/27/14
    ✓ FAR- 83 5/16/14
    ✓ BEC- 80 7/24/14
    ✓ Education ✓ Experience
    Ethics Exam


    @SacAccountant5989 – Good luck on AUD tomorrow! Maybe we can both pass it and be done forever.

    @thechapman – I only studied for 5 days for REG (in the middle of busy season), didn't make it past R4 in Becker, and I passed. You have the exam scheduled and you're clearly a fairly intelligent person. Stop wasting time on this site, go study, and take the exam on Sunday. Good luck, I'm sure you will do fine!

    FAR: Passed
    REG: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed


    I agree with the others. I would definitely take it because you've got nothing to lose since you've already paid for it. If anything, it'll help prepare you for your retake, IF you even need to retake it. Who knows, there's a chance you may even pass!

    @Smashbox20 That's impressive! I'm kind of in the exact same situation you were in (but now I have less than 5 days to cram). I don't see myself getting past R4 at this point and I haven't even been able to look over the homework just yet. Any tips? What was your experience like when taking Reg, considering you didn't look at the other half of the book?

    FAR - ✓
    AUD - ✓
    REG - ✓
    BEC - ✓

    Don't give up!


    @fightingforsanity – I would tell you to focus most of your energy on the corporate stuff (R3 & R4). To me, that was the content that I felt the least prepared to walk into the test and try to use logic/common sense to solve. The individual stuff is rather intuitive. I would suggest just equiping yourself with the basic so that you know enough to critically think through problems and give yourself a chance (ie know the formulas). The law stuff: it's just too late at this point. You don't have enough time to actually learn that stuff, which is why I skipped it and used my time to study in areas that a quick refresher might actually prepare me. That's all you are doing here: a quick refresher!

    Again, I would not recommend this study plan to anyone but sometimes you have to do what you have to do! Also, I would have loved to tell you more but I didn't want to come accross as disclosing the nature of the exam 🙂 Good luck!

    FAR: Passed
    REG: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed


    Take it. You've already paid for it and you kicked butt on the first two. What could it hurt? Worst case you lose 3 hours of your life, but even so, you have a good idea of the exam.


    Thanks everyone, I guess I'll give it a shot. Would it be a bad idea to just leave one day for all the business law and focus today and tomorrow on R1-R5 in Becker?

    Passed - 2014


    Depends entirely on how much business law you saw in school and when that was. If you have enough of it to “brush up” and you have previously learned the information, then yes. If you're talking about trying to take a day to learn the material, then absolutely not. Take that day to look over material that might actually make a lightbulb go off.

    FAR: Passed
    REG: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed


    choo chooo

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75

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