Passed CPA Exams BUT still need 6hrs

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  • #192994

    Hello all,

    So I passed my CPA exam in GA 6 months ago, but I am unable to get licensed because I still need 6 credit hours. Illinois and Georgia are pretty much the exact same in terms of licensing requirements except GA requires 30 hours of accounting credits and 24 of business related (Illinois it’s the opposite, which is what I have…).

    My question is this, does anyone know where I can take really cheap accounting classes online? They just need to be intermediate classes that I haven’t taken already. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

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  • Author
  • #661939

    Check this out:

    Wiley CPAexcel

    It is $475 all in per course, very flexible. It is essentially a CPA review course. I skipped the lectures and went straight for the quizzes and exams to get through them quicker.

    Congrats on passing the exam and good luck on getting your units done!

    FAR - 7/13 - 72, 11/13- 74, 2/14- 82!!! Best score ever (for me)!!!
    BEC - 1/14 - 75!!! Perfect score! First Pass! YAY!!!
    AUD - 8/14 - 80!!!
    REG - 5/14 - 72, 10/14 - 66, 1/15 - 78 - DONE FOREVER!!!
    I did 5 of the UNA and CPAExcel classes to earn units.


    Ya, I heard about this, but it sounds Iffy. I'll look into it more though. Thanks for the suggestion!


    I am interested in this too. I am also in need of 6 credit hours. Blackhawks why do you think the link that Stephav posted is not good?

    I was actually considering signing up for this once i pass my second exam.

    Financial accounting 1-3 on that site is same as intermediate accounting 1-3 that everyone had to take right?

    I also took federal taxation and auditing so i am thinking i could possibly take Federal Income taxation 2? I took business law but that was required for all business majors.

    Can someone chim in if those are the same classes that are required to get a bachlors degree?

    BEC -Waiting on score May 5th
    AUD - May 30
    FAR - Q3 depending on if i pass above two in Q2


    I'm from California and I was concerned because I took audit and tax, etc for my degree. I called the CBA to see if the repeat courses would be okay. They told me as long as it is a different institution taking a course by the same name is ok. Looking forward to getting the all clear (approved) from the CBA. I know all the states are different, so i would look into the requirements for your state.

    FAR - 7/13 - 72, 11/13- 74, 2/14- 82!!! Best score ever (for me)!!!
    BEC - 1/14 - 75!!! Perfect score! First Pass! YAY!!!
    AUD - 8/14 - 80!!!
    REG - 5/14 - 72, 10/14 - 66, 1/15 - 78 - DONE FOREVER!!!
    I did 5 of the UNA and CPAExcel classes to earn units.


    Wow StephAV that is kinda hard to believe that they would allow that. I will have to call Georgia one to see if that is the same case.

    That would make this alot easier , i could just take financial accounting 1 (would not even have to study at all to pass those quizes) and take auditing or financial accounting 2.

    BEC -Waiting on score May 5th
    AUD - May 30
    FAR - Q3 depending on if i pass above two in Q2


    @GSU-CPA let me know what you find out. I'm in the same situation and was thinking of picking up a couple classes as well.

    REG - 77 (will lose in Jan 2016)

    BEC - 67 74, 75

    AUD - 56, 70, Will try again 🙁

    FAR - ??

    Save the beast for last.


    can you please let us know too? im short by 25 credit ls to apply a license in hawaii.. & im looking for the fastest & maybe easiest way yo get it


    Best option would be to take an online class at a community college


    I'm looking into Louisiana State University. They have a few classes that are beyond the basic upper division classes you take for your degree. They have a Fraud Examination class and a Govt/NFP class. I took the Fraud class when I was an undergrad but I can take the Govt/NFP course but I still need another one. Not sure what I will do when that time comes. I wish they had an Audit II or Tax II course like FSU did.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    community college

    BEC 76 (2/15)
    REG 81 (4/15)
    AUD 78 (5/15)
    FAR 81 (7/15)

    Roger + Ninja MCQ


    If you look into community college, make sure the Board will accept those types of courses. In Florida, community college accounting courses are not accepted because they are considered lower level courses.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book

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