Order new CPA certificate?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #176493

    Hi all – i was just wondering if someone could order/request/pay for a 2nd CPA certificate? I just figured if you work in two places and what to hang it up in both offices (without making a photo copy), there might be an option to do so? Not sure if that is an unusual request or not, but I couldn’t find any information anywhere.

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  • #402028

    I'm gonna say probably not. They don't want people running around with extra copies of certificates. I did a quick google search and the first thing to pop up was the FL board website saying you only get 1 certificate, and 1 duplicate. In order to get the duplicate, you need to submit a notarized statement describing why the 1st one needs to be replaced.

    It may be a state to state thing though. What state are you? See if there's anything on your state board's website.


    That makes sense.. I'm in NY – I took a closer look at the website and it looks like you could order additional Registration Certificates (for a fee) but not a License Parchment (unless it is lost or damaged).

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