NTS Reapply

  • Creator
  • #193063

    Dear all, has anyone encountered same situation like me?

    My NTS expires on April 14th and I scheduled REG on April 14th. I am running out of time to prepare for REG on April 14th and probably will fail.

    Option1: if I take the April 14th REG test, can I reapply NTS that will be effective in May and take REG again in May?

    Option2: it is said that one can only take a section once in one testing window, if so, if I cancel the test on April 14th, can I reapply NTS and take REG on May?

    Thanks a lot. There’s no specific clause in Candidate Bulletin. I am very confused.

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  • Author
  • #660524

    You can only take an exam subject once per testing window. So you can either take Reg in April, or May…but not both.

    As I understand it, if your NTS expires in April, and you want to push it out to May..I believe you had to apply for and pay for a new NTS. There is no way to extend an expiring NTS.

    So it sounds like option 2 is your best bet.

    AUD: 83
    FAR: 77
    REG: 86
    BEC: 86


    @CPAwillbe, contact your State Board by writing them to request for an extension of your NTS (state your reason, like work or family issues or anything personal blah blah). And next, call to follow up with your request. At least with our State Board here (KY), you can only request for NTS extension ONCE. It will only cost you a change schedule fee of $35 if you'll be able to do this route (at least seven to ten days before expiry). It took me only two days to get this done which saved my test fee of $220.

    Good luck!


    @CPAwillbe. My NTS was going to expire on the 14th too, and I requested an extension and it was approved. Now, I have until May 31 to take the test.

    BTW, Amor D thank you very much. I read one of your previous post regarding this, so I decided to give it a try and it worked. Thanks again.

    FAR: 78 (5x)
    AUD: 80 (3x)
    BEC: 9/07/2016
    REG: 12/06/2016

    Failure is never an option.

    "Faith in your own powers and confidence in your individual methods are essential to success." Roderick Stevens


    @Carolina, congrats! I wish I could do that too. which state are you in? and did you use one of the four reasons(military, medical, death, visa) or any other personal reasons? and how long did it take to receive the NTS extension?


    I'm in Florida. I used medical reasons (my son was actually sick, so I sent a letter from his doctor). It took three days.

    FAR: 78 (5x)
    AUD: 80 (3x)
    BEC: 9/07/2016
    REG: 12/06/2016

    Failure is never an option.

    "Faith in your own powers and confidence in your individual methods are essential to success." Roderick Stevens


    Thanks, will try! So you fill out the form and send to NASBA or directly contacted State of Board?


    There is an email address in the form send it to that address. It's a NASBA email.

    FAR: 78 (5x)
    AUD: 80 (3x)
    BEC: 9/07/2016
    REG: 12/06/2016

    Failure is never an option.

    "Faith in your own powers and confidence in your individual methods are essential to success." Roderick Stevens

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