NTS processed faster than I thought, Can I extend it?

  • Creator
  • #190208

    I applied for my NTS on Monday, and I got my NTS yesterday, the 18th. So now it says the last possible day I can schedule is May 18th.

    I can take the exam on the 18th, but I was hoping to take it closer to the end of the testing window in order to have more time to study. Any word on how to do this? Or will I have to pay another application fee?

    AUD: 99 (11/26/2014)
    BEC: 1/5/2015
    REG: 2/27/2015
    FAR: 5/18/2015

    Using Becker Review, but will add Ninja MCQ for FAR&REG.

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  • Author
  • #619355

    From the time you receive your NTS you only have a 6 month window.

    How many sections did you apply for at once?

    If its only one section you should totally be able to test way before your NTS expires.

    Florida Candidate

    AUD: 77
    REG: 86
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 79 (Expired)


    Some states will extend an NTS in the case of an emergency (hospitalization, death in the immediate family). But otherwise they don't extend. If you feel you can't take REG by May 18 you'll have to wait until after it expires and apply for a new one. I'd plan to take it by May 18 personally, that's plenty of time.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Like others have said, it's doubtful they'd extend it for this reason. However, the change from May 18 to the end of the testing window (May 31 right?) isn't that great – with 6 months to adjust for the approx 2-week change, you should be totally fine.


    You can get two or three tests knocked out in that time. No problem.

    Maybe even all four, but that would be rough with a full time job.


    I applied for FAR, REG and BEC. Trying to knock it all out, it's going to be a rough 6 months. AUD on wednesday, wish me luck!

    AUD: 99 (11/26/2014)
    BEC: 1/5/2015
    REG: 2/27/2015
    FAR: 5/18/2015

    Using Becker Review, but will add Ninja MCQ for FAR&REG.


    Good luck.

    Remember this:

    4, 6, 8- Four weeks for BEC, six weeks for REG, and 8 weeks for FAR.

    I'd take BEC on 1/7/20015. REG on 2/28/2105 and FAR on April 30. That gives you time to adequately prepare for each AND five testing windows to mop up anything that's left without you worrying about losing AUD when you pass it on the 26th.

    Hopefully there won't be anything left.


    @billbrasskey That's what I was thinking. Studying for BEC all of December after AUD (and it's also winter break for my school, so no class to worry about), Jan-Feb for REG and I've already scheduled FAR for May 18th. Hopefully I'll knock them all out first time, but if not I'll still have some time over the summer to finish before I start full-time Oct 2015.

    AUD: 99 (11/26/2014)
    BEC: 1/5/2015
    REG: 2/27/2015
    FAR: 5/18/2015

    Using Becker Review, but will add Ninja MCQ for FAR&REG.

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