NTS on Cell Phone

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  • #187351

    When on my way to take my last exam, was wondering if I forgot my NTS, would they allow me to pull up the e-mail on my phone and show them the NTS? They have my ID, which would match to the NTS. If I was going to electronically forge an NTS on my phone, I would be able to do so even easier on paper, so why the need for paper?

    FAR: 4/19/2014 - 85!
    AUD: 5/27/2014 - 90!
    REG: 7/18/2014 - 81!
    BEC: 8/13/2014 - 84!

    4 up, 4 down, in 4 months.

    Licensed 9/22 in NC.

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  • #583536

    I don't know if they are supposed to but – I took an exam at the beginning of the month and someone who walked into prometrics just ahead of me didn't have their NTS, didn't really even seem to know they were supposed to have it, pulled it up on their phone – and it was accepted.


    I don't understand what you hope to gain from this thread. Surely no answer you receive could possibly convince you to make anything less than 100% certain that you remember your NTS. If you do end up forgetting your NTS, then you can find out “first hand” whether or not your cell phone would be an acceptable substitute* (*in that particular situation; one Prometric staff member may accept it while another may not, regardless of what the official rules say). But I certainly wouldn't make any plans of it. Just do yourself a favor and don't forget. The CPA exam is a little too important to use it as a self-experimentation opportunity to test the operating procedures of Prometric.

    AUD: 88
    BEC: 79
    REG: 81
    FAR: 72 » 74 » 88

    Study method: 100% watching videos, including solving problems covered therein; no books, paper, or pencils


    I was never once asked for my NTS, they just wanted me to write down my launch code password.

    REG 2/26/14 - 90
    BEC 4/08/14 - 92
    FAR 5/31/14 - 90
    AUD 7/09/14 -


    I took my first section a few weeks ago. I brought an email confirmation with me thinking that was all I needed. Of course I needed the NTS. The woman at the testing center let me bring it up on my phone. She just needed the number off of it so that I could log in. I am not sure if all the centers are like that or if I just got really lucky!


    I agree that they just need the number that's why they say bring the form. But it says in huge bold letters DO NOT FORGET THIS FORM, so I don't see how anyone would or could forget it for something this important. Very irresponsible, imo.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    @yawn, I was hoping to get other members' thoughts on my question “would they allow me to pull up the e-mail on my phone and show them the NTS?” Was I somehow not clear in my original post? I didn't specifically say I wanted other members' thoughts on my question, but this being a discussion forum I thought that was self-evident in the fact that I posted anything at all.

    Is this a new wave forum where everyone that posts a topic should be seeking to gain something? Or is discussion still the main medium of this space?

    Since you require specificity, I was truly pondering why there is a need for paper in our ever evolving electronic age.

    That help?

    FAR: 4/19/2014 - 85!
    AUD: 5/27/2014 - 90!
    REG: 7/18/2014 - 81!
    BEC: 8/13/2014 - 84!

    4 up, 4 down, in 4 months.

    Licensed 9/22 in NC.


    @samdiego, I agree, very irresponsible. Still though, I don't see any benefit to having the NTS on paper and no risk to having it electronically. I was hoping maybe someone could lend insight I may have been missing.

    FAR: 4/19/2014 - 85!
    AUD: 5/27/2014 - 90!
    REG: 7/18/2014 - 81!
    BEC: 8/13/2014 - 84!

    4 up, 4 down, in 4 months.

    Licensed 9/22 in NC.


    They never seem to want to see my NTS– they refuse it and say something about writing my section ID on my little laminated card. But I always check like 20 times before leaving the house to make sure I have my NTS, since it says on it something like “you won't be allowed to test if you don't have this paper.” No way do I want to go in without it!

    It's an interesting question. It all seems to revolve around the section ID. Maybe the insistence on bringing it is a remnant of an older system with less technology.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    @nclynch: I think you misinterpreted the tone of my post. I didn't mean to be harsh; I see now that you're simply asking a 100% hypothetical/theoretical question, but your original post made it sound like you might actually be contemplating using your phone instead of bringing your NTS, which, as you've acknowledged, would be very irresponsible. I just didn't want you to take any unnecessary risks.

    AUD: 88
    BEC: 79
    REG: 81
    FAR: 72 » 74 » 88

    Study method: 100% watching videos, including solving problems covered therein; no books, paper, or pencils


    I was allowed to take an exam using my NTS from my phone. I typically put a copy in my car a week early in case I forgot mine at home, but ended up having to take a different car. And because my exam day morning routine was broken, I forgot my NTS on the table to and realize 5 minutes from Prometric I didn't have one on me.

    I was trying to figure out somewhere close I could go print it, but decided to go to the test center and see what happened. They said I could just pull it up on my phone. Crisis averted, but it was not a fun morning. Somehow I still managed to pass!


    @k917, I ran out of ink the morning I was scheduled to take REG, but luckily I knew within enough time to stop somewhere else and print it. In doing so, I thought about how dated needing the paper is and how much of a waste of time it was for me to go to 3 different FedEx Express stores to print it.

    FAR: 4/19/2014 - 85!
    AUD: 5/27/2014 - 90!
    REG: 7/18/2014 - 81!
    BEC: 8/13/2014 - 84!

    4 up, 4 down, in 4 months.

    Licensed 9/22 in NC.

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