NTS Expiring.. Cramming for REG!

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  • #199047

    Well, I made a noob move and signed up for FAR, BEC, and REG NTS’s at the same time to save a buck, not knowing that it expires after 6 months. So my current predicament is that my NTS for these sections expires on 1/8/16 and I still need to take BEC and REG. I have 1.5 units in Gleim left to read for BEC, which I’m taking on 1/6/16. My plan was to just wing REG for the heck of it to see how I do.

    My questions are:

    Do I have any chance at all if, from today on, I do a few MCQs each night for REG while focusing mainly on BEC (I don’t want to fail both!)?

    Are there any REG topic suggestions to mainly focus on?? I’ll go off of the CSOs if not..

    And is there anything I could do to extend my NTS (Michigan)? Anyone have any luck calling NASBA for a refund or an extension? I’m guessing this is a slim chance but it might be worth a try..

    I appreciate any help!! Thanks!

    FAR: 85
    BEC: 84
    AUD: 74, 83
    REG: ??

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  • Author
  • #752076

    Focus on passing BEC. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    It is not possible to study REG in 2 weeks, assuming you even have 2 weeks after reviewing BEC.

    F91 A95 R90 B94
    CMA since 2015
    (Gleim books/PDFs, MCQs, SIMS)


    Thanks Ohiostategirlcpa.. That is what i was thinking. Do you have any idea if NASBA gives refunds!? 😀 I highly highly doubt that haha!

    Beautiful scores btw!!

    FAR: 85
    BEC: 84
    AUD: 74, 83
    REG: ??


    No way you can get a refund. I agree with ohiostategirlcpa. Focus on BEC is your best shot

    REG 90
    FAR 95
    AUD 98
    BEC 84


    For sure, no State Boards grant refunds. But they grant extensions on a per state basis. You should call your state office (your first step). Over here in KY, candidates are required to make a letter and state a reason for the request (family, work, school reasons, anything.) NTS extension is generally granted once only. I was granted a 6-month extension on my first FAR request in 2013. A year later, I had another life event and so I requested for an extension of my REG. I was granted a new extension because of the reason of death in the family.

    Good luck!

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